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What is Xeoma’s module?

If your acquaintance with Xeoma Video Surveillance Software has only started, you probably wonder what a Xeoma’s module is. This article will help you learn about modules and their key role in the software.

Xeoma’s modules are functional blocks, that, when combined, are used to build chains or combinations of modules. Simply put, a module is a certain feature represented by an icon. Modules differ in their functions.

Modules panel in IP cam software Xeoma. You can add a module to the work field by way of pressing it.

Modules are combined in groups based on their common features. There are 5 groups of modules in Xeoma.

Groups of modules in IP cam software Xeoma. Click on any of them to view the list of modules included.

All modules is a default group. It shows all the modules in IP cam software Xeoma.

If you press Chains, you will see the list of ready-to-use chains consisting of several modules. You don’t have to spend time combining modules into chains – use ready-to-use chains instead.

Devices is a group of modules handling signal sources. It includes camera, microphone, file reading and another Xeoma modules.

Destinations (or reactions) are modules used to specify an action as a reaction to an event: e-mail notification, saving to file, preview, preview and archive, sound alarm and application runner.

Filters is a group of modules that do actually filter the signal thus setting the following modules to work or not. Such filters are scheduler, motion and day detectors.

You have decided to give Xeoma a try and want to know what edition of functioning is best for you? Xeoma can work in three editions: free, trial and standard.

Xeoma licenses can be purchased here.

You decided to try Xeoma video surveillance software and want to know which mode is right for you? Please use our questionnaire – it will help you choose the suitable Xeoma mode in one minute!

How to choose Xeoma mode?

Questionnaire for choosing a suitable mode of Xeoma video surveillance software

Still do not know which edition fits you? Feel free to ask us or request a demo license for tests

The table below will show all differences between Xeoma editions in details and will help you choose one for you:

Comparison table for Xeoma video surveillance software editions:

Trial Free Starter Lite Standard Pro
Most important features
Maximum number of available sources Unlimited Unlimited for live Preview (2 for an Archive)* Unlimited for live Preview (2 for an Archive) 4 Unlimited (depend on license type) Unlimited (depend on license type)
Maximum number of modules in chain Unlimited 3 3 6 Unlimited (depend on license type) Unlimited (depend on license type)
Live view Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Saving recordings to Archive Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Archive retention period before overwriting 1 hour 5 days Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Remote access Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Multiple user profiles available Yes No No No Yes Yes
Able to work in shellless (no-GUI) OS Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Possibility to use Repeater** Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Time of work 8 hours since launch, then custom settings are reset Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Can be used with Additional modules
(bought separately)
(trial time)
Yes Yes
Watermark Free Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Updates to new versions of Xeoma Yes Yes No No Yes (1 year since purchase date)

extend the free updates period with up to 80% discount

Yes (1 year since purchase date)

extend the free updates period with up to 80% discount

Customization Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Other key features free of charge

settings are restored to defaults every 8 hours/at program exit

all features available for test (except for settings backup and Additional ANPR)

free of charge

maximum 2* Preview and Archive modules, maximum 2* Sending Email modules

user profiles available for access on the same computer

unlimited time of work with free updates of the program

paid mode (requires a license)

Unlimited number of cameras for a preview

maximum 2 Preview and Archive modules, maximum 2 Sending Email modules

Only administrator’s profile for the Remote access

paid mode (requires a license)

limited number of available modules

paid mode (requires a license)

Standard licenses cumulate with Pro

all regular modules available

paid mode (requires a license)

Pro licenses cumulate with Standard

regular + special PRO modules available

Work with cameras
View of cameras in real-time via Client Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Camera view in web browser (Web server module) Yes, 1 camera No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Change of settings in web browser Yes No No Yes Yes Yes
PTZ control Yes Yes Yes Yes
PTZ control through web browser Yes Yes
Digital zoom Yes Yes Yes
PTZ Tracking Yes Yes Yes
PTZ presets and guard tours Yes, only for ONVIF Yes, only for ONVIF
Additional camera functions (focus, washer, etc.) Yes, only for ONVIF Yes, only for ONVIF Yes, only for ONVIF Yes, only for ONVIF
Fisheye Dewarping Yes Yes Yes
Device List Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Interactive maps eMap Yes Yes
Visualization of movement – preview Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Various layouts Yes Yes Yes Yes
Fullscreen mode Yes Yes Yes Yes
Work with recordings
Search through recordings for motion events by date/date Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Search through recordings for motion events in a certain area Yes Yes Yes
Synchronized playback of several archives Yes Yes
Synchronization with camera’s SD card Yes No No No No Yes
Visualization of movement – archive Yes Yes
Possibility to delete pieces of archive Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Possibility to make intervals of archive undeletable Yes Yes
Availability of modules
Quick turning off/on of the cameras Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ANPR: license plate recognition Yes Yes
Button Switcher Yes Yes
HTTP Switcher Yes Yes Yes
Visitors Counter Yes Yes Yes
Cross-Line Detector Yes Yes
Loitering Detector Yes Yes
Face Detector Yes Yes
Face Recognition Yes Yes
Privacy Masking Yes Yes
Motion Detector Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Sound Detector Yes Yes Yes
Smoke Detector Yes Yes
Fire Detector Yes Yes
Detector of Abandoned Objects Yes Yes
Problems Detector Yes Yes Yes
Object Detector Yes Yes Yes
Camera Embedded Detector Yes Yes Yes
GPIO Yes Yes Yes
Image Rotate Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Image Resize Yes Yes Yes
Picture in Picture Yes Yes Yes Yes
Unitor Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
SMS Sending Yes Yes Yes
RTSP Broadcasting Yes Yes
Streaming to Youtube Yes Yes Yes
FTP Upload Yes Yes Yes
FTP Receiver Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ANPR Sender to FTP Yes Yes
Senstar PTZ tracking Yes Yes
Move to PTZ preset Yes Yes
Telegram Bot notifications Yes Yes*** Yes
Saving screenshot (preview, archive) Yes Yes Yes
Sound alarm – client Yes Yes
Sound alarm – server Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
HTTP Marking Yes Yes Yes
Application Runner Yes Yes Yes
Sending Email Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Relay Switch Yes Yes Yes
HTTP Receiver Yes Yes Yes
HTTP Upload to other Xeoma Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
HTTP Request Sender Yes Yes Yes
Condition Yes Yes Yes
Mobile Notifications Yes Yes Yes
Save to File Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Activation, interface
Client parts update automatically Yes Yes
LDAP synchronization Yes Yes
Activation on virtual machines, including Docker Yes, since version 20.10.22. Details here Yes, since version 20.10.13. Details here Yes, details here Yes, details here

*Starting from version 25.3.5, the Free edition offers 2 Preview and Archive modules, and 2 Sending Email modules per server. In earlier versions, there were 4 of each module available.
**Repeater is an optional service, bought separately for additional price and compatible with any Xeoma edition.
***The Telegram Bot Notifications module was originally released as exclusively available in the Xeoma Pro edition, but was made available in Xeoma Standard as of Xeoma 23.1.25 and up.


First of all you are advised to try Xeoma in one of the free of charge modes – free or trial.

The free edition is basic. In this edition you can use unlimited number of video sources for online view with max 2* cameras that can use the “Preview and Archive” module and max 2* cameras that can use the “Email Sending” module. 1 Source module and max 3 modules from the list of ones available in the Free mode per chain. That said, with the free edition you can build chains that look like:

Just one Video Source or

Video Source + Any other module (except video sources) or

Video Source + Any other module (except video sources) + Any other module (except video sources).

Camera + Motion Detector + Email Sending
Screen Capture + Microphone + Preview and Archive

Max 2 cameras can have the “Preview and Archive” module, and max 2 cameras can have the “Email Sending” module.

Another example:
Camera + Preview
Screen Capture + Microphone + Sending to another Xeoma

You can have unlimited number of such cameras per server in the Free mode.

If the server part of Xeoma is in the free edition, it cannot be connected to remotely from a client. But, on the contrary, free edition can be used to connect to Xeoma server either in trial or commercial editions. For more information on Xeoma architecture, please refer to our article Client-Server Architecture of Xeoma.

Use the trial edition of Xeoma to test all modules, including PRO, and find it out for how many cameras you need a license. In trial edition you can use unlimited quantity of modules of any type in any combination during unlimited period of time (your settings will be reset to defaults at program exit and every 8 hours of continuous use) and besides feel the ease and flexibility of Xeoma’s remote access feature.

If you have already tried Xeoma and realized that you needed more than 3 modules and more than 2 video sources to build chains with, you should choose one of the commercial modes: Xeoma Pro, Xeoma Standard, Xeoma Lite or Xeoma Starter edition. You will need a license to switch Xeoma into either of these editions.

When you buy a license, you pay for the number of cameras or other sources that you will be able to use in your Xeoma. With this license-limited number of cameras you will be able to build chains of certain length, complexity, configuration, and containing modules of the type that the conditions for the mode allow. For more information, please refer to the comparison table above or to pages dedicated to the selected mode.

Variety of modes will help you make sure you get to what you need make your system perfect, without paying for what you don’t need. For example, Xeoma Lite is a simplified version of the Xeoma video surveillance program. Xeoma Lite includes the most essential and easy to use modules. In this edition you can use up to 4 video sources and up to 6 of available modules per chain in any combination.

What license do I need to buy?

Xeoma licenses can be purchased here.
See also: a chart to select Xeoma edition

You have tried the trial edition of Xeoma video surveillance software and decided to buy a license. Now you have the question, ‘How many licenses and for how many cameras will I need?’

It’s all simple.

Number of sources you need license for depends on how many IP cameras, USB cameras, source modules you are going to use. Let’s assume you have 8 cams. 6 of them are IP cams (one of them has embedded microphone) and 2 USB cams. In addition, you’d like to use screen capture module. In our example, total number of video sources is 9 (microphone doesn’t count as a video source). You will need to buy a license or licenses just for 9 cameras (video sources).

Number of licenses depends on how many computers you are going to use them on. Since licenses for more sources give you a discount, it’s natural that you might want to buy just 1 license for the total number of video sources you are going to use. But please be careful: while IP cameras can be accessed from several computers in network, and shifted if necessary, embedded USB cams can’t, so every embedded USB cam means using a separate computer, and therefore a separate server, since licenses can be used on 1 machine only, and servers is what you buy licenses for. Another thing to keep in mind here is that client parts (as many as you want) connect to server for free. For more information about server-client connection, you might find our article “Architecture of Xeoma” useful.

If you need to extend the system by adding more sources of video, you can buy additional licenses at any time and add them up to the existing one – licenses summarize.

Modules are a key part of Xeoma video surveillance software that are as important as easy to use. If you have suggestions or inquiries as what functionality should be added please let us know. We value your feedback and opinion.

5 Mar 2012, last updated 6 Nov 2015

Read also:
Complete Xeoma User Manual
Additional modules in Xeoma