News for Xeoma CCTV software for 2016

26 December 2016: New version

New Xeoma 16.12.26

In the new version you will find:

    • PRO: enhanced Xeoma Pro Your Cloud log (added information about connected user and their IP address);
    • PRO: fixed redirect in Xeoma Pro Your Cloud. Now user doesn’t see address of the server they are being redirected to;
    • Added activation of licenses on virtual machines. Now you can activate licenses on a virtual machine if it has permanent access to the Internet or there is an activation server in the home network;
    • Rebranding utility: added commands to hide archive menu’s options “Search by motion”, “Search by license plates”, “License plates log”;
    • Added new “Condition” module. This module passes video stream to following modules in the chain if the pre-set logical condition is met;
    • Help screen at first launch is enhanced: now you can choose whether to add certain cameras from what Xeoma found, or cancel the search at all;
    • Added the Traditional Chinese language;
    • Web server: added possibility to add cameras through Xeoma’s web interface in a web browser;
    • Web server: added export of archive through Xeoma’s web interface in a web browser;
    • Web server: added logout button in Xeoma’s web interface in a web browser;
    • Web server: added option to change password for web interface login in a web browser;
    • Added limitations in Web interface for users of free and trial version of Xeoma. Now no live view, view of recordings, or change of settings is available for the free version; only one camera can be added and viewed, and no changing of password is available in the trial version;
    • Users: added possibility to use individual order of cameras also for administrator on different computers;
    • Users: enhanced individual order of cameras option. Now order is saved not just for every user but also set up tabs (division of all cameras into pages);
    • Added separate storage of settings for each operating system’s user. It means that if OS’s user changes, autologin into Xeoma will not be possible as Xeoma’s password will not autofilled for the new user;
    • Added support for cameras working over the https protocol;
    • Xeoma Android app: now still images from the app get stored in the system /screenshots folder;
    • Lite: prohibited activation of Lite licenses on virtual machines;
    • Added support for the 16-Megapixel camera Aviglion 16L-H4PRO-B(777933);
    • Added support for optical zoom in Reolink cameras;
    • Fixed issues with wrong image resolution in Screen capture when desktop font enlargement is used under Windows 10;
    • Fixed issue with the heat map still being shown on preview after exiting the archive;
    • Fixed the issue with checkboxes in USB camera getting reset after settings are closed;
    • Fixed the issue with recordings still shown on the timescale in archive viewer even though the camera was off;
    • Fixed crash under Linux when archive is being viewed;
    • Fixed white/black screen issue on some Android devices, including Xiaomi Red Rice;
    • Fixed issue when it was impossible to choose a USB camera from the list in Universal Camera settings if there were more than one USB camera;
    • Fixed launching of Xeoma’s ARM versions under ArchLinux;
    • Fixed image distortions in archive view;
    • Fixed cameras freezing when several Save To File modules are used;
    • Fixed bug with HTTP Switcher not working in web browsers when web server is using password protection;
    • Fixed bug with HTTP Switcher not working in web browsers for remote access.


    23 December 2016: New article

    Object Detection

    Video Content Analysis (VCA) enables the cameras to distinguish anything which is not just a part of the background. The main principle behind Xeoma’s module Object Detector is very simple: as long as it detects an object – it will skip the video to the next module in the chain. To make sure that the “Object Detector” pays attention only to the objects you need, you need to determine… Read more


    22 December 2016: New article

    How to use FTP upload in Xeoma?

    When it comes to video surveillance, it is particularly important to make sure that there is a safe place for all the data the cameras collected. The most efficient way is to have backups, preferably far away from the main server. This is where FTP upload comes to save the day. Read more


    1 December 2016: New special offer

    4-months Repeater subscription with any Xeoma Pro license

    Up until December, 31 2016 you will get a free 4-months Repeater subscription with every purchase of Xeoma Pro licenses! Details here


    25 November 2016: New article

    Smoke Detector Cameras

    Video surveillance is used mostly for detecting unwanted visitors and controlling the activity of the others. However, there are many more threats to both life and business to be accounted for. The fires are, unfortunately, a rather common type of emergencies all over the globe. One of the new features of Xeoma is a “Smoke Detector”. With this you can be sure that you are the first to know if any fire breaks out. Let us look at the module’s functions. Read more


    24 November 2016: New article

    How to install a 64/32 bit operating system to a Raspberry Pi 3 board

    Raspberry Pi 3 is a bestseller single board computer of the next generation. Cost- and performance-effective, it’s a great alternative to DVRs and standalone computer-based servers for viceo surveillance. Its tiny dimensions allow for use in difficult environment. Now that you have ordered it and needed parts of hardware, next step is installing an operating system to the board. Read more about that in our new article.


    23 November 2016: New article

    Heatmap in video surveillance system Xeoma

    Heatmap is one of the most efficient tools in video surveillance. With its help, you can get a quick glance at motion dynamics in camera’s field of view. Learn how to set it up in Xeoma in our new article.


    22 November 2016: New article

    New Feature: Secure TLS Connection

    As of version 16.10.31, Xeoma supports secure TLS connection between servers and clients. Learn more about the nature of TLS and how to set it up in Xeoma in our new article.


    17 November 2016: New article

    Face Blur

    When used on its own, the “Privacy Masking” module, available in the PRO edition, will come in handy if you need to dynamically blur private property in camera’s field of view. However, rarely known fact is: “Privacy Masking” can be used in combination with other filter modules, namely detectors like “Object Detector” and “Face Detector” to blur those detected objects both in preview and in archive recordings. Details


    10 November 2016: New article

    Bus Surveillance

    Since video surveillance was created for the purpose of reassuring people of their safety, the obvious question to ask is “How can we be safe en route?” This article will take a closer look at how video surveillance can be applied to buses. Details


    1 November 2016: New article

    User manual for Xeoma Mac OS surveillance software

    In this guide we will show you how to run Xeoma on Mac and how to overcome some difficulties. More information in our article.


    31 October 2016: New version

    New Xeoma 16.10.31

    In the new version you will find:

      PRO improvements:

    • Added Detector of abandoned objects. It can be used to look for unwanted vehicles, or objects in an area such as for example restricted territory or railway station;
    • Added Smoke Detector. It will help you automatically detect if there’s a fire or smoke in the camera’s field of view;
    • Added heat map. Now you can quickly review where the most of motion occurs (for example, in a shop). See this feature in Archive menu –> Heat map;
    • Xeoma Pro Your Cloud mode can now be launched from Xeoma UI. Create your own Video Surveillance as a Service system;
    • Multilayer eMap: now you can have several maps to put your cameras on, and switch between them in a single click;
    • ANPR: you can now use your own third-party utility for license plate recognition, and choose where to store the suggested OpenAlpr utility. Click here to learn about setup.
    • Important additions:

    • You asked – we made it happen. New type of licenses will help you upgrade your Xeoma Standard licenses to Xeoma Pro licenses. Check them out on Buy page;
    • Added TLS secure connection between client and server. See instructions in Xeoma folder > Security > Certificate > Readme.txt;
    • Added Xeoma version for ARMv8 (64 bit);
    • Added setup of cameras’ URLs via Web Server browser page;
    • Archive: Added visualization of sound events on the archive timescale. Now you can quickly review all the events detected by Sound Detector;
    • Time zones! We added the automatic switch to the daylight saving time and back;
    • Added Picture-in-picture to embed a dynamically updating picture from one camera into another’s view box;
    • We have added a new option in the Purchase page – now you can buy Xeoma Pro licenses with 3 years of updates already in package;
    • New partner program: get 7% off purchases made by your customers back in cash! You can notify us about purchases yourself or use the affiliate link to track purchases automatically.
    • Improvements:

    • Improved performance of camera stream decoding under high CPU load;
    • Archive: accelerated loading of archive database.
    • New Cameras:

    • Added support for PTZ of the Beward BD75-1 cam;
    • Added support for 4-lens cameras Arecont Vision AV8185DN and AV20185DN.
    • Bug fixes:

    • Web server: Fixed bug with duplicating a chain where Web server’s URLs got duplicated as well;
    • Web server: fixed bug with Web server’s password being lost after another module is added;
    • Android: fixed bug with launch of Xeoma on some tablets or smart phones (including Intel-based ones);
    • Android: fixed the 100% CPU load when client is closed via the UI;
    • Face Detector: fixed occasional crashes under Linux in Face Detector;
    • Fixed the “Can’t copy one or several files” error for installation of the program to a non-default directory;
    • FTP upload: fixed transfer of vp8/vp9 files with sound from Xeoma through FTP.


    21 October 2016: New article

    AAEON UP single board computer that works with Raspberry Pi extension boards

    Started as a crowdfunding project at Kickstarter AAEON UP Single Board Computer has grown into a real alternative to Raspberry Pi single board computer. Tiny and dynamic, Up can be placed in a challenging environment, for home and business video surveillance, where no personal computers would fit. Are you up for the Up? Details


    19 October 2016: New article

    Hotel Security

    Hotels and resorts of every kind are constantly looking up to the security industry to improve their security measures, so that the lodgers would feel truly at home. This article will take a closer look at how such security can be installed and managed. Details


    18 October 2016: New article

    Video Surveillance for Flat Buildings

    Even arranging video surveillance for an entire flat building is no longer a particularly tall order, considering how available house cameras are nowadays. In this article we’ll investigate how video surveillance for flat buildings can be accomplished. Details


    14 October 2016: New article

    Cheap Intel Mini PC Wintel W8 Pro based on Windows 10

    Meet the new solution, ready to work straight out of the box mini PC Wintel W8 Pro, a great alternative to single board computers. It has everything in bundle you’d need to replace a desktop computer, including an operating system from the well-known Windows family. This gadget says it loud and clear that SBCs are no longer just for geeks. Details


    13 October 2016: New article

    Xeoma in Mikrotik Users Meeting 2016 Conference

    On September, 30 – October, 1 MUM took place in Vega Hotel, Moscow. It is an annual event, uniting network engineers, camera manufacturers, Internet providers and security installers. Details


    10 October 2016: New article

    Google Pixel, new Android smartphone perfect for video surveillance

    Google company, creator of famous Google search engine and open source operating system Android which is a main competitor to Apple and its iPhone world domination, has taken a new step to win this war. On October, 4 Google announced its new smart phone Google Pixel. Learn how it can be used in video surveillance. Details


    7 October 2016: New article

    Video Surveillance as Part of Airport Security

    Anybody who traveled by plane at least once knows that airport security is tight. This, in turn, makes video surveillance equipment an essential and irreplaceable part of it. The sheer size of the facility usually renders cameras invisible to a naked eye but they still tirelessly do their work. Details


    29 September 2016: New article

    Counter-Terrorism With Video Surveillance

    Visible public cameras are a serious deterring factor when it comes to criminal activity. After all, the best defense is not the one that withstands attacks; it’s the one that prevents them. This is where our counter-terrorism measures come into play. Details


    20 September 2016: New article

    CCTV Security System Administration: How to Admin?

    The efficiency of any surveillance system depends greatly on the way it is handled, in other words, on its administrator. So how does one optimize their security through proper system administration? Read more


    19 September 2016: New article

    Perfect Surveillance?

    How much does one need to know to create one’s own surveillance system? How much effort is required to make it both functional and effective? “A lot”? Not anymore! Read more

    16 September 2016: New special offer

    “Member gets member” special

    “Member gets member” special: Tell any of the large organizations or security providers in your city about us, and get FREE Xeoma license for 8 cameras. Details

    16 September 2016: New article

    Video Surveillance In Retail As Marketing And Sales Tool

    Video surveillance is capable of becoming a powerful sales tool and a valuable source of information for a concerned shop owner. Getting the very best out of what you have is not just a rare ability but a real necessity in our competitive world of marketing and sales management. Read more

    15 September 2016: New article


    Wildlife is also an interesting filming material but installing an intricate camera out in the open, in such a way that it would last at least a week, is a tall order indeed. And yet, there are areas containing and preserving wildlife, where surveillance is quite possible or even required. And those are zoos. Read more

    14 September 2016: New article

    Video Surveillance vs Kidnapping

    One of the most basic necessities for any person is safety, but not just for oneself. If those we hold dear are safe, we feel safer as well. Ask any parent whose safety concerns them the most and the invariable answer will be “My child’s”. Read more

    12 September 2016: New article

    Connecting Xeoma via VPN

    Need to connect your remote cameras that don’t have public IP address? VPN connection might be just the solution you need. Easy to install to a router, easy to connect to Xeoma. Read more in our new guide

    8 September 2016: New article

    Multilayered eMap in Xeoma

    The new Xeoma Pro’s function is called Multilayered eMap for a reason. Simply put, it can now store as many maps for different floors as you need. Read more

    7 September 2016: New article

    HDDs or SSDs for Video Surveillance?

    Before you can work with data, you, obviously, need to store it somewhere. What device to choose? Read more here

    27 August 2016: New article

    Dual Streaming: What Should I Know?

    Dual streaming is simply the new step in cameras’ evolution. Modern cameras need to provide live feed to the monitor(s) (often wirelessly) and save the footage for future reference (usually locally). Read more

    26 August 2016: New article

    Layouts Management in Xeoma

    Multiple camera feeds on a single screen can be quite a confusing mess, unless arranged properly. Xeoma holds an abundance of tools to help you with that. Read more

    25 August 2016: New article

    Visitors Counter

    “Visitors Counter” is a unique function that allows you to effectively analyze the footfall traffic for your shop, showroom or your office attendance. Read more

    24 August 2016: New article

    Marking module

    Xeoma’s “Marking” module can waterstamp text, date and time, GPS coordinates and image of your choice to the camera image, both in preview and in the archive. Read more

    23 August 2016: New article

    Shop surveillance and crime prevention

    Nowadays shoplifting as an incredibly common occurrence with a simple ratio of “the bigger the shop – the higher the crime rate”. Sure, security guards can’t be everywhere – but cameras can… Read more

    19 August 2016: New article

    Face Detector and Face Recognition

    Among other features Xeoma enables your camera to detect people’s faces and recognize specific faces. It can also store a full database of people within its range. This comes especially useful in monitoring staff activity or creating automatic security systems preventing trespassing. Read more

    17 August 2016: New version

    New Xeoma 16.8.17

    In the new version you will find:

    • Xeoma Pro: added license plate recognition (ANPR module) for license plates from USA, Europe, UK, Australia, South Korea, Singapore, Kazakhstan;
    • Xeoma Pro: added Face Recognition. You can find this option in Face Detector module settings where you can train Xeoma to recognize a certain person using shots of them from archive or live stream;
    • Marking: watermark image now can be flexibly scaled (from 10% to full size of the original) to fit into the camera image in the most convenient way;
    • Users: added option to decode video on client or server for each user separately;
    • Multi-Server Mode: added possibility to add servers connected through Repeater as well;
    • Layouts: added options to stretch or fit camera image into preview boxes and thus get rid of black borders;
    • Added the ANPR and Face Detector modules to Mac OS X;
    • Added support for PTZ of Tenvis JPT-3815 camera;
    • Added support for EasyCap USB dongle device for connection of analog cameras to computer;
    • Added retention of selected font size for preview texts after restarts of server;
    • Motion Detector: added support for camera switches to the night mode and back, without false alarms;
    • Problems Detector: fixed false notification about RAM shortage on Linux;
    • Fixed freezing issue when installing Xeoma on Macs that have a USB camera connected;
    • Microphone: fixed issues with peripheral microphones occasionally not working on Linux;
    • Privacy Masking: fixed wrong zones of masking from detectors;
    • Android: fixed crash in Single Camera View mode;
    • Android: fixed startup crash on some Android devices;
    • Visitors Counter: fixed the Interval of counter resets option to work according to the specified interval;
    • Fixed Screen Capture issues in installed Xeoma on Windows;
    • Fixed memory leak under Windows;
    • Fixed issue with recording stopping after restart (for large archives).

    6 June 2016: New version

    New version Xeoma 16.6.6

    In the new version you will find:

    • Fixed bug with rtsp streams when updating to a new version;
    • Universal camera: optimized work with stream for direct saving into the archive.

    18 May 2016: New version

    New beta version Xeoma 16.5.18

    New version features following improvements:

    • Added possibility to save backup of settings and restore them at your convenience (see Main menu –> Install –> Restore menu for Export, Import, Save, Reset options);
    • PRO: added possibility to export selected extracts from several archives at the same time;
    • PRO: added option to select what users the Pop-Up Window module will work for;
    • Users: added option to use individual order of cameras in preview for certain users on each computer;
    • Fixed occasional freezing of Xeoma when recording archives;
    • Fixed occasional failure to launch Xeoma server at computer boot;
    • Fixed memory leaks when working with USB camera and microphone (Windows);
    • Archive: fixed crash when exporting into the webm format;
    • Fixed crash on Raspberry devices when working with microphone;
    • Enhanced version of Xeoma for Android.

    8 April 2016: New version

    New version Xeoma 16.4.8

    New version features following improvements:

    • Optimized work of Xeoma’s client part on Android;
    • Fixed the issue when Xeoma suddenly stopped recording video to archives;
    • Sending SMS: fixed sending SMS with the option.

    29 March 2016: New version

    New beta version Xeoma 16.3.29

    Improvements of the new Xeoma 16.3.29:

    Added client part for ARM processor-based Linuxes.
    Added Face Blur: now you can use the Privacy Masking module to blur objects detected by a preceding filter (like Face Detector) in the chain.
    Added support for RTSP cameras on Xeoma server under Android;
    Marking enhanced: added option to use image overlay (along with previously available date/time, text, or GPS coordinates waterstamp).
    Added possibility to save only audio stream to archive without video stream.
    Added Fullscreen mode for Xeoma on Linux (Layouts menu –> Window settings).
    Enhanced archive settings: now you can see how much space in % is still free and available for Xeoma recordings.
    Enhanced work with cameras – now there will be less freezes when working with large amounts of cameras.

    22 March 2016: New article

    Active Directory LDAP configuration in Xeoma

    Among many high-end features that Xeoma Pro offers there is also support for Active Directory LDAP account in Windows. Users can use their LDAP configuration to login to Xeoma. This photo instruction will help you set up Xeoma for your Active Directory LDAP.

    17 March 2016: New version

    New beta version Xeoma 16.3.17

    New beta version introduces the following improvements:

    Added support for RTSP cameras in Xeoma for ARM. Support for keyboard arrows was added in Xeoma’s archive player. Pressing left/right arrows will move play slider 10 secs backward/forward. Also possibility to stop search in selected areas was added the player: you can stop it by exiting the player (going back to Single or Multi Camera view window), or clicking on the search progress bar.

    Pressing the Tab keyboard button will now help you jump to the next field.

    More options added to the Universal Camera’s Group settings section, including preferences for single camera view, archive storage and hardware acceleration. Export from the archive now has a warning if there is no sufficient free space on the server or the client for export of the selected extract. Also, a warning will be shown if there are insufficient rights for export of the selected extract.

    Fixes include corrected wrong modules’ name when logged in through LDAP. Android: fixed search for motion in selected areas. Fixed processor load peaks when email messages were dispatched.

    10 March 2016: New article

    Xeoma Screen Recording Software

    If you’re looking for a great screen recording software, Xeoma is there to meet your requirements! Record from screen even in hidden mode or make a step-by-step video tutorial with Xeoma screen recorder.

    2 March 2016: New article

    Xeoma is a great alternative GeoVision Software

    GeoVision is one of the greatest security cameras manufacturer based in Taiwan. Their products come in different colors and shapes, for a reasonable price. If you are looking to build your own video surveillance system with GeoVision cameras, take a look at Xeoma GeoVision Software.

    1 March 2016: New version

    New version Xeoma 16.3.1

    Improvements of the new Xeoma 16.3.1:

    Added support for FTP streaming from RVI-R16 DVR;
    Added possibility to turn off Xeoma’s automatic camera search if there is “_noscan” in the Xeoma’s executable file’s name;
    Fixed playback of archives when hardware acceleration for CUDA is enabled;
    Fixed issues with zoom when archive playback is paused;
    Fixed occasional hanging of the client part of Xeoma on Mac OS X.

    Download the new Xeoma 16.3.1!

    1 March 2016: New article

    Three best Xeoma Hikvision software programs!

    There are lots of indoor cameras on a market, however our customers usually use Hikvision brand. Good performance, night vision and build-in microphone are useful features, aren’t they? Let’s have a look what Hikvision software Xeoma recommend!

    29 February 2016: New article

    Choosing the right Android devices for live CCTV video with Xeoma IP surveillance

    There’s a plethora of cost-effective Android devices in the market nowadays, and you might be lost whether to choose an Android notebook, Android nettop or Android smart phone or digital tablet for your IP surveillance. But no matter what you choose, viewing live CCTV video from your cameras is easy with Xeoma! Learn more

    26 February 2016: New article

    Xeoma Foscam Software

    Foscam is one of the largest camera manufacturers in the world. Foscam security cameras users choose Xeoma very often, as they know that Xeoma is a great Foscam software, it fully supports all the cameras’ features.

    25 February 2016: New article

    How to choose surveillance camera

    Security cameras are powerful weapon against burglars and thieves. First of all, it can simply scare the intruder or if your home was burglarized, surveillance camera can help police to find the burglar.

    24 February 2016: New article

    Choosing a microcomputer for CCTV software

    When choosing a microcomputer for CCTV software system or other purposes, it’s essential to know all good and bad sides of the boards in the market. Many support Linux ARM compatible operating systems and can have Xeoma video surveillance installed on them. Yet there are a few differences… Learn more

    20 February 2016: New article

    Low-cost laptop video surveillance with Xeoma

    We thought it would be a good idea to show you how to set up a low-cost laptop video surveillance. This home security system can be used not only to nab burglars, but also to check how are your pets doing or assure you that your house is still standing.

    19 February 2016: New version

    New beta version Xeoma 16.2.19

    In the new beta version Xeoma 16.2.19 you will be able to control Xeoma on Android TV with a remote control.

    Universal Camera’s settings window is now even more comfortable to work with.

    Xeoma Pro’s export of the archive with re-encoding is fixed. And so is involuntary reset of settings in case Xeoma server crashes.

    Attention users of Xeoma Client for iOS! Due to changes in the program’s logic, the next version of Xeoma that we will upload to iTunes will not be fully compatible with Xeoma server parts older than 15.12.8 (viewing of archive recordings will not be available). We recommend you to update both server and client to the most up-to-date versions when they are released or, if that’s impossible, download the Xeoma Client for iOS now, while it’s still fully compatible with Xeoma servers of both old and new versions, and cancel the updates in Xeoma’s iTunes page afterwards.

    We hope that the new logic will make Xeoma better, and we kindly hope for your understanding. Hope you will like it! Download the new beta version Xeoma 16.2.19!

    8 February 2016: New version

    New beta version Xeoma 16.2.8

    New beta version Xeoma 16.2.8 features improved saving of recordings where buffering of data before saving onto disk was added. The Sending Email module was also improved: added preset configuration for Yandex mail. In Universal Camera an option was added to ignore camera’s audio stream if you don’t want to use it.

    As for fixes, we eliminated duplicating of keyboard symbols on slow computers. Give the new beta a try now!

    4 February 2016: New version

    New beta version Xeoma 16.2.4

    In new beta version Xeoma 16.2.4 you will find more fine tuning of your system: for example, in Archive and Preview settings added option to choose 400 GB value in archive’s maximum size setting.

    Also enhanced camera diagnostics: when rtsp URL is used for preview, you will get enhanced credentials diagnostics both in preview window and in settings dialog.

    Fixed stuttering of sound in latest versions of the program. Fixed crash with archive calendar.

    Also, great news is that Xeoma free Android app is now available from the Google Play!

    26 January 2016: New version

    New beta version Xeoma 16.1.26

    New beta version 16.1.26’s main improvement is if your camera only supports zoom but doesn’t support other PTZ functions, you will still be able to use camera’s zoom.

    New version also includes important fixes. For example, fixed zoom mode in Quick Settings Window. Fixed bug of when live view used to freeze after installation. Fixed bugs with archive in Multiserver mode. Fixed bug with the Motion Detector’s option “Detect only absence of movement”. And most importantly, we also fixed connection via Repeater for iOS Xeoma App. Also crashes connected to work with camera fixed for Android app.

    Read news from other years: