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March 25, 2025: New article

Comparing cloud services for video surveillance: Xeoma or Ivideon?

The article series on comparing Xeoma and other video surveillance software is back! This time the Xeoma Cloud service will be juxtaposed with another cloud platform, Ivideon. The new comparative analysis will touch upon important factors like support of cameras and operating systems, detection and monitoring options, archive management and ease of use, to finally answer the question of What is better: Xeoma Cloud or Ivideon?

Read more


March 21, 2025: New article

Sound Detector

“Sound Detector” is a powerful module in Xeoma video surveillance software, enabling the system to monitor not just the video stream but also the audio stream of an IP camera. This article explores the ways of using it for intrusion detection, enforcing quiet zones, and more.

Read more


March 18, 2025: New article

Group settings in Xeoma video surveillance software

Configuring big masses of cameras has never been so easy: with the group settings option in Xeoma video surveillance software, you can assign the needed parameters to all the cameras within a selected group. Follow our simple guide and set up your ideal surveillance system for best performance.

Do you want to know more? Get details in our new article Group settings in Xeoma video surveillance software!


March 12, 2025: New article

Healthcare solutions with Xeoma

It’s pretty obvious that technologies tend to automate everything these days, and the healthcare sphere is no exception. Brand new digital innovations appear each day thanks to Artificial intelligence and deep machine learning. Xeoma is not only video surveillance software, but also a powerful tool to create an automated solution based on video surveillance. It includes 100+ video analytics, including AI-powered instruments to create the perfect system.

Read more in our new article “Healthcare solutions with Xeoma”!


March 10, 2025: New version

New official release – Xeoma 25.3.5

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The new official version Xeoma 25.3.5 is based on the latest beta version released last week which means the new Xeoma version also has improvements in automated interface scaling (this time for Macs), in design solutions for control elements, and some changes in the Free edition of Xeoma. As always, you can see the full list of changes at the History of changes page.

Try the new version today – you can get it from the Download page or with an internal update in Xeoma interface!


March 10, 2025: New article

Digital zoom (ePTZ) in Xeoma video surveillance software

Digital zoom will be of great assistance in enlarging the image from cameras that do not support PTZ. Xeoma video surveillance program offers a digital zoom option available straight from the main menu. This feature significantly simplifies video surveillance processes and possesses a number of strong advantages. Read more in our new article called “Digital zoom (ePTZ) in Xeoma video surveillance software”!


March 7, 2025: New article

Comparing two video surveillance programs: Xeoma and VideoNet

The “Comparing Xeoma and other video surveillance programs” series continues! This time, Xeoma video surveillance software gets compared to VideoNet in an article that reviews both their differences and similarities. As per usual, you will get to know what makes Xeoma and VideoNet different or similar in regards to support of cameras and systems, video analytics, technical support and many other key factors. Read more in the new “Comparing two video surveillance programs: Xeoma and VideoNet” article!


March 6, 2025: New version

Xeoma Beta 25.3.5

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Xeoma Beta 25.3.5 is the new beta version of Xeoma that features further improvements in automated interface scaling (this time for Macs), in design solutions for control elements, and some changes in the Free edition of Xeoma. Full list of changes is as always available at the History of changes page.

As usual, you can download the new version from the Download page – or update through Xeoma’s interface


March 5, 2025: New video

Updated ‘Meet Xeoma’ video

Xeoma Video Management Software’s superior growth rate is facilitated by its rapid development: new versions are released every couple of months, many of which carry impressive innovations. It’s time to update our ‘Meet Xeoma’ introduction video to have it include the latest developments, too! See the result in our new intro video here!


March 3, 2025: New article

Event Log: logging events and user actions data in Xeoma

Looking for logs from Xeoma video camera software? You’re at the right place! Xeoma offers its users the option to log certain events, which is meant to assist in monitoring the work of operators, investigating the causes for possible issues or ensuring that your system is “healthy” and functions normally. Read this overview article to find out what type of information Xeoma logs contain – and where to find them!


February 24, 2025: New video

Voice-to-Text in safe city

The Safe City concept has been gaining traction lately, since it’s a multi-functional tool that makes public safety easier. How can speech recognition and analysis be used for the good of citizens and guests of a city? Watch our new shorts called Voice-to-Text in safe city to learn that!


February 19, 2025: New article

Xeoma Presents: Biometrics Tools in Surveillance – More Than Just Video Security

Biometrics identification is a set of tools that use unique human traits for authentication in various tasks from access control to market research. Contemporary video surveillance software like Xeoma has some biometrics tools that revolutionize CCTV systems making them offer more than just video security, while at the same time requiring no additional equipment which is often quite costly. Read more in our new article ‘Biometrics Tools in Surveillance – More Than Just Video Security’!


February 18, 2025: New video

Drone detection system

Drones, compact size unmanned aerial vehicles, are widely used for various purposes nowadays as they have become quite affordable lately. Unfortunately, these purposes include privacy intrusion and criminal purposes including espionage and destruction of strategically important sites. As a response to this threat we’ve taught Xeoma’s AI to recognize drones in the camera sight. Watch our ‘Drone detection system‘ shorts to learn how this feature allows to build an automatic drone detection and alarm system!


February 14, 2025: Updated “Complete Xeoma User Manual”

Layouts menu

The “Layouts Menu” subchapter of our comprehensive “User Manual” has been updated with detailed descriptions of every tool, menu item, and their function for configuring your Xeoma visuals and display. Read our “User Manual” to learn more!


February 12, 2025: New article

Xeoma and Blue Iris: which video surveillance software to choose?

Further to our article series dedicated to comparing Xeoma and other video surveillance programs, we have examined Xeoma when compared to another well-known software, Blue Iris. While both programs are well-liked by their users, they have their surprising differences. Read our new article to learn more!


February 10, 2025: New video

Xeoma vs. shoplifters

It is reported that malls and shops lose tens of millions of dollars yearly to shoplifters. The quest for a safer environment has been going on for a long time, and now, with the development of artificial intelligence, we seem to have the solution to nip shoplifting in the bud! In our new video you will learn how Xeoma actually helps catch shoplifters across the world. Watch ‘Xeoma vs. shoplifters‘ – a must-see for store managers and owners!


February 7, 2025: New section in Xeoma User Manual Setup Guide

Two-factor authentication for connections

A new ‘4.6.3. Two-factor authentication for connections’ section has been added to the Xeoma’s User Manual Setup Guide. The section is dedicated to the 2-factor authentication feature – a feature that enables 2-step verification, requiring both user password and a special code sent to email to establish a connection – that has been published with the freshly released Xeoma 25.1.30 version. Read the ‘4.6.3. Two-factor authentication for connections’ section for details and setup instructions!


February 5, 2025: New article

Xeoma’s new Settings Wizard: your magically comfortable surveillance

A unique addition to Xeoma 25.1.30 and the preceding beta versions is Xeoma’s shiny new Settings Wizard that allows you to select, optimize, and configure your cameras, modules, and their parameters in a few clicks directly from the main menu! For those who wish to learn more about Xeoma’s simple (and nonetheless handy) Settings Wizard, we have comprised all of its features in our new article. Read more


February 5, 2025: New version

New official release – Xeoma 25.1.30

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This February, we are glad to announce the release of Xeoma’s first official version of 2025 – Xeoma 25.1.30!

This new Xeoma version includes improvements from two previous beta versions – Xeoma Beta 25.1.23 and Xeoma Beta 25.1.30 – which means it has dozens of changes to the program itself and its intelligent modules, as well as the interface: new options to use 2-factor authentication or list of addresses permitted to connect, temporary user blocking, enhancements of algorithms in ‘Smoke Detector’, ‘Slip and Fall Detector’, and many more!

See the full list of Xeoma’s new version’s improvements here and try the new version today!


February 3, 2025: New video

TOP 10 ideas for home video surveillance (Part II)

Please welcome the second part in the series of our short videos with top ideas on how one can benefit from a video surveillance system for home – from anti-burglar protection to funny time lapse videos. See the part #2 here (or part #1 – here).


January 31, 2025: New article

Comparison of Xeoma and iSpy: Which Video Surveillance Software to Choose in 2025?

Which video surveillance software is better for you: Xeoma or iSpy? In this article, we conducted a detailed comparison of these two popular programs: analyzing key features, functionality, pricing, and other parameters — and reached some interesting conclusions. Read more


January 30, 2025: New version

Xeoma Beta 25.1.30

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A week later after Xeoma Beta 25.1.23 has been released we are making a new beta version – Xeoma Beta 25.1.30 – available too! Xeoma Beta 25.1.30 is based on the previous beta but includes a couple of fixes: one of connection without the newly added 2-factor authentication, and another of the new frameless mode in Xeoma’s app for Android OS. Besides, we are trying to make the bottom pane even more minimalist so we got rid of the dark background leaving only shadow around its elements. Let us know what you think – we will appreciate your feedback!

As usual, you can download the new version from the Download page – or update through Xeoma’s interface


January 28, 2025: New presentation

Warehouse video surveillance. Xeoma Presents: How to protect your goods and organize the work process

The smart video surveillance program Xeoma is a perfect tool for solving a generous variety of business tasks, including those in warehouses – an example of an indubitably important business. Xeoma’s unique AI powered monitoring features can be of great help in supervising a warehouse territory, protecting your goods, and optimizing staff control – read our new presentation to learn more!


January 24, 2025: New article

Screenshot: Xeoma’s feature to save instant shots of camera image

The Screenshot feature is one of the ways to take a screenshot in Xeoma video security program, but it’s probably the one you’re looking for if you need security operators to be able to take an instant shot (or a series of them) when they detect something suspicious. The resulting still image can be printed or sent via email in just a few clicks. Learn what makes it different from other screenshot tools in Xeoma in our new article called Screenshot: Xeoma’s feature to save instant shots of camera image!


January 23, 2025: New version

Xeoma Beta 25.1.23

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The first version in the year 2025 – Xeoma Beta 25.1.23 – introduces several absolutely new astonishing features like two factor authentication for client connection, temporary blocking of users, configuration of allowed addresses for connection, preview watermark, and a demo camera for tests accessible from Xeoma GUI. Besides, there are improvements of many features that have been released before – for example, a new way to control PTZ cameras via Xeoma’s JSON API, a way to select PTZ cameras to be controlled with a joystick, enhancements of the ‘Slip and Fall Detector’, ‘Smoke Detector’ and ‘ANPR’ smart modules, and many more! Last but not least – the new beta continues design fine tuning and bug fixing. Read more here

Download the new version from the Download page – or update through Xeoma’s interface


January 22, 2025: New article

Smart video surveillance for apartments

A smart home is no longer a thing of the future – nowadays, it’s quite a common technology in everyday life of so many people. Video surveillance makes smart homes even smarter: smart video surveillance for an apartment is an effective tool to ensure the safety of your property and promptly respond to any emergency. If you’re looking for a video surveillance system with AI-powered video analytics for an apartments, read more in our article!


January 15, 2025: New article

The Privacy Masking module: automated blur in camera image

Use Xeoma in your video surveillance system to get the advanced Privacy Masking module which will be able to blur either static sensitive areas of what your camera sees – or moving objects (faces, license plates) for privacy reasons! Learn more


January 13, 2025: New article

Backup and Settings Restoration in Xeoma, Part 1: Export and import

Let’s start this year’s news with our new article dedicated to an important issue of restoration of Xeoma settings – for example, when you want to move the system to another equipment, or when you want to roll back to a better backup version after a failure in experiments with configuration. It’s typical of Xeoma to have several ways to reach almost any goal, and this task is also not an exception! In our new article we will explain how to restore settings using the Xeoma’s ‘Restore Settings’ feature.


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