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What features should a modern video surveillance system have?

In a world where technology evolves at an incredible pace, video surveillance has advanced far beyond a simple “eye in the sky.” It is now a powerful tool that not only secures but also optimizes, analyzes, and enhances operations.

Today, video surveillance plays a crucial role not only in security but also in business process optimization, access control, customer behavior analysis, and much more. With technological advancements, video surveillance systems have become significantly more functional and intelligent. Let’s look at the key features and capabilities a modern video surveillance program should have, and what Xeoma offers.

Key Features of Modern Video Surveillance Systems

1. Intelligent video analysis

Video Analytics

Today’s video surveillance systems must feature video analytics capabilities that automatically recognize and respond to various events. This includes, for example:

Facial recognition: This feature identifies individuals by comparing their faces with a database. It is useful for access control and suspect identification.
License plate recognition: Video surveillance systems can read vehicle license plates and match them with a database for entry and exit control.
Motion detection: Intelligent motion detection allows the system to react only to significant events, reducing the number of false alarms.
Automatic object tracking: This feature allows the camera to follow moving people or objects without human intervention. Suitable for cameras supporting the PTZ function (pan-tilt-zoom).

Example: Xeoma offers over 100 features, including various analytics and AI capabilities, for use in diverse fields such as:

  • Retail: stores, shopping centers
  • Construction
  • Banks, financial institutions, offices
  • Safe city
  • Airports, train stations
  • Checkpoint
  • Parking lots
  • Theaters, cinemas
  • Police
  • Medical clinics
  • Public transportation
  • Smart homes
  • Mining, drilling
  • Agriculture and farming
  • Home security
  • Kindergartens, schools, education
  • Parks, reserves, sanctuaries
  • High-rise work
  • Industrial and heavy machinery
  • Electrical work
  • Road construction

2. Notifications and alerts

Notifications make modern video surveillancde a convenient tool for safety and business process optimization

Quick incident response is one of the key tasks of video surveillance. Modern systems should be able to send notifications and alerts through various channels:

– SMS and Email: Notifications about suspicious activity or sensor triggers can be sent via SMS or email.
– Push notifications: Mobile apps can instantly notify users of critical events.

Example: Xeoma supports various notification methods, including email, SMS, and push notifications, app launches, sound signals, and messages to a Telegram Bot, allowing quick incident response.

3. Cloud data storage

Cloud storage allows video recordings and data to be saved on remote servers, ensuring access from anywhere in the world at any time. It also increases system reliability as data is protected from physical damage to equipment.

Example: Your cameras can be connected to our cloud surveillance service — Xeoma Cloud. You don’t need any equipment of your own (just cameras) — we handle everything. You can enjoy all the benefits of online video surveillance and view archives from any location and any device.

4. Multifunctional interface

Modern video surveillance systems must have a user-friendly and intuitive interface for management and monitoring. This includes:

– Mobile apps: Access to the system via smartphones and tablets.
– Web interfaces: Management through web browsers without the need for additional software installation.
– Desktop applications: Full-featured programs for PCs.

Example: Xeoma offers a convenient interface for all types of devices, from PCs to mobile apps on iOS and Android and web access, ensuring easy management and monitoring.

5. Flexibility and scalability


A video surveillance system must easily adapt to user needs, whether it is a small business or a large corporation. The ability to add new cameras, sensors, and modules without significant costs and complications is a key advantage.

Example: Xeoma supports 99% of all cameras on the market and allows an unlimited number of cameras to be added to the server. It also works on Windows, Linux, Linux/ARM (Raspberry), Mac OS X, Elbrus, Astra Linux, Aurora (Sailfish), Alt OS, iOS, and Android, making it ideal for businesses of all sizes.


6. Integration with other security systems

Integration with access control systems (ACS), fire alarms, security systems, and other security components allows for a comprehensive protection system where all elements work together seamlessly.

Example: Xeoma supports integration with various security systems, allowing for a unified solution for comprehensive monitoring and management.

7. Support for artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning

Artificial Intelligence

The use of AI and machine learning in video surveillance allows the system to become smarter over time. This includes automatic adjustment to recognize new types of threats, learning from past data, and improving recognition accuracy.

Example: Xeoma integrates AI-based modules that can learn and adapt to new conditions, enhancing system efficiency. More details can be found on the Additional modules page.



A modern video surveillance system must be intelligent, flexible, reliable, and easy to use. Xeoma software provides all the necessary features for creating an effective video surveillance system, from intelligent video analysis to cloud storage and integration with other security systems. With solutions like Xeoma, video surveillance becomes not only a means of ensuring security but also a powerful tool for business optimization and improving quality of life.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. In a world where technology never stands still, it is important to make the most of its capabilities. Xeoma opens the door to the future of video surveillance, where security and efficiency go hand in hand.



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July 1, 2024

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