Some work samples made by FelenaSoft – software development outsourcing company

If you are looking for a partner for your software development and outsourcing needs, FelenaSoft is the right choice.
Best prices, fast work, full information about work progress, expertise in many areas, real help in improvement of the project – this is what makes FelenaSoft such a wise choice for your software development project. Read more about what we can offer you here

Our company is especially focused on long-term ongoing relationships and is developing software mainly for United States corporates, but we are interested in all types of projects, too.


Here you can see honorable mentions of our completed software development projects:

1. Xeoma – construction-set principle video surveillance software for your exact needs. Works on Windows, Linux (including ARM architecture like in SBCs or NASes), Mac OS and Android (yes, full version for Android, not just a viewing app). Client viewing apps available for iPhones, iPads, Android smart phones and tablets. Remote control from any OS. Unlimited number of servers, cameras, operators, users, etc. More than 100 features including professional and even AI-based that use neural networking technology (Face recognition, License plate recognition, Detection of loitering, abandoned or missing objects, synchronization with smart homes, cashier appliances and access control systems).

Detailed review of the program is available at Xeoma webcam software site.

Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Modular workflow. Visual representation of enabled features: attach modules to each other in a logical way


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Easy setup of features. Flexible configuration. Default settings that fit most of cases


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Unlimited number of cameras.

Felenasoft Company outsourcing and outstaffing work samples

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Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 4 of 55. Quick control of modules: list of modules in left panel to quickly enable or disable modules without closing the camera


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 5 of 55. PTZ control. A comfy PTZ control to handle the PTZ functions of the camera.


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 6 of 55. Seamless panoramic view. Panoramic view, seamless dewarping of Fisheye cameras or uniting several pictures.


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 7 of 55. PTZ presets, tours. Automated PTZ tracking, presets and tours.


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 8 of 55. ePTZ – digital PTZ. Digital zoom and tracking.


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 9 of 55. Intellectual modules. Face Recognition is for recognition of detected faces in realtime, comparison of detected faces with faces from database, and reaction to known or unknown persons.


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 10 of 55. Intellectual modules. Search by photo is the search through recordings from all cameras for a certain person using their photo


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 11 of 55. Intellectual modules. License Plate Recognition + integration with devices, systems. The ANPR / LPR works with cars of any model, any number, any speed. Integrates with fee-imposing systems and access control systems


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 12 of 55. Intellectual modules. Vehicle Speed Detector can be used in complex safe city and traffic monitoring systems for detection of speed limit violation (also available: detection of violation of traffic light and lane regulations)


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 13 of 55. Intellectual modules. Modbus controllers – integration with devices and systems. Xeoma can use devices that work through “Modbus” controllers (traffic lights, smart home systems) – for example, to detect a violation of traffic light rules


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 14 of 55. Intellectual modules. Mask Detector is an option in Face Recognition that can recognize if a person is or is not wearing a mask


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 15 of 55. Intellectual modules. Xeoma’s Social Distance Detection is one of the features for aiding in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 16 of 55. Intellectual modules. Safety Gear Detector will help aid in compliance with safety and health regulations


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 17 of 55. Intellectual modules. Sport Events Tracking – automated following the center of a game in sports broadcasts


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 18 of 55. Intellectual modules. Free / Occupied Parking Spots – automated spotting of a change in parking spots status (“free/busy”). Can be used in paid parking lots or in safe city for illegal parking detection


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 19 of 55. Intellectual modules. Emotions Recognition can do real-time recognition of 7 basic human facial expressions from happiness to anger.


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 20 of 55. Intellectual modules. Tripwire – Visitors Counter with movement direction


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 21 of 55. Intellectual modules. Detection of clients line – count how many people are in line to enhance your customer service in rush hours.


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 22 of 55. Intellectual modules. Crowd detection


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 23 of 55. Intellectual modules. The heatmap will visualize the most ‘popular’ spots in a store or open space – based on the data from Motion Detector.


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 24 of 55. Intellectual modules. Age Recognition. Optimize your store’s offers and promotions by gathering statistics of visitors age


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 25 of 55. Intellectual modules. Slip and Fall Detector. Real-time detection of people falling or slipping, including falling off a bed or chair.


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 26 of 55. Intellectual modules. Gender Recognizer. Optimize your store’s offers and promotions by gathering statistics of visitors gender


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 27 of 55. Intellectual modules. Loitering Detector will detect suspicious behavior


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 28 of 55. Intellectual modules. Detector of missing objects


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 29 of 55. Intellectual modules. Object Classification / Object Type Recognition. Real-time recognition of object types and reaction to the pre-set types of objects – from trains to UAV drones


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 30 of 55. Intellectual modules. Privacy masking. Automatic privacy masking for static areas in camera view or moving objects


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 31 of 55. PTZ control. Intellectual modules. Airplane and drone detection will find good use both in private territory intrusion detection and in airfields and top-secret sites as an counter-terrorism and anti-spy measure.


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 32 of 55. Intellectual modules. Sea Birds Recognition. Recognition of sea birds will help scare away birds of prey in fish farming


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 33 of 55. Intellectual modules: Sound Recognition. Sound Events Detector can recognize sounds of gunshot, screams, baby cry, glass break and car alarm.


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 34 of 55. Intellectual modules: Eye tracking is following the person’s pupils movement automatically to track what they are looking at.


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 35 of 55. Intellectual modules: Color Recognition. Detect fever in passengers in airports, or use in automatic fining systems of traffic light violators


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 36 of 55. Intellectual modules: Automated text recognition in Xeoma can read text in camera’s sight of view and react to pre-set words or numbers in real-time


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 37 of 55. Intellectual modules and advanced video analytics: Face or License plate recognition, Detection of smoke or abandoned objects.


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 38 of 55. Intellectual modules and advanced video analytics: Heatmap, Emotion Recognition, Object Classification (Human, animal, car, etc), Visitors Counter


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 39 of 55. For large-scale projects: Map for camera location with triggering icons and quick view of a selected camera.


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 40 of 55. For large-scale projects: Smart data about productivity of your business: customer traffic by hours or days


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 41 of 55. For large-scale projects: Staff activity control. Work hours counting. Detection of employees’ idleness


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 42 of 55. For large-scale projects: Flexible access profiles. Individual access rights for staff and management. Restrict access to certain cameras or system features


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 43 of 55. For large-scale projects: Multiserver and multi-client network clustering. Easy connection to several locations


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 44 of 55. For large-scale projects: Objects and motion visualization will draw security guards’ attention when it’s needed


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 45 of 55. Convenient view of records. Built-in archive viewer to conveniently view the records, search for detected events or objects.


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 46 of 55. Search through recordings. Archive recordings can be searched through for objects, faces, motion events, license plates, emotions, etc.


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 47 of 55. Free rebranding: change Xeoma’s name, logo, icons, links, remove everything that is not needed!


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 48 of 55. Work with microPC. Create low-budget yet efficient video surveillance system using single board micro computers like Raspberry Pi, or Android devices


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 49 of 55. Integration with Point-of-sales terminals


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 50 of 55. Integration with IoT, for example smart homes systems (lights, gates, doors, climate and multimedia control)


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 51 of 55. Productivity optimization. Production automation: analysis of productivity by artificial intelligence


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 52 of 55. Production automation and optimization: using neural networks for detection of product flaws


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 53 of 55. Head-based Passengers Counter in public transportation


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 54 of 55. System health monitoring with the “Problems Detector” module will alert you about camera tampering, insufficient system resources, etc.


Software development outsourcing: project Xeoma

Picture 55 of 55. Automatically rotate an overview PTZ camera to an area and make the camera do specific actions in that preset


Advice from Xeoma Video Management Software In the spotlight: our software has attracted attention of such tech tycoons as Tesla, LG, Western Digital and Movavi.
Contact us too or see Xeoma testimonials


2. Biofeedback-enabled games and simulators

Biofeedback means changing the virtual environment according to the user’s physical condition, like heart rate, temperature, etc. These are games, environments, exercises and trainings that use biocontrol technologies and biofeedback therapy with various sensors that measure pulse, pressure (BVP), skin conductivity (SCL), temperature, respiration rate, and electromyography (EMG).

Various addons are available for Windows and Mac OS.
The project works with several types of sensor devices: IOM/Wild Divine, emWave Adapter, GP8 Amp, etc.
Created with C++ and the wxWidgets library, Unity 3D game engine (C#).

Software development outsourcing: bio feedback games

Biofeedback game. Game environment (weather, motorboat control, water resistance, general visibility) dynamically changes according to biofeedback results


Software development outsourcing: bio feedback games

Biofeedback game. Game environment (weather, motorboat control, water resistance, general visibility) dynamically changes according to biofeedback results


Software development outsourcing: bio feedback games

Biofeedback game. Game environment (weather, vehicle control, physics, general visibility) dynamically changes according to biofeedback results

Felenasoft Company outsourcing and outstaffing work samples

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Software development outsourcing: bio feedback games

Picture 4 of 9. Biofeedback game. Game environment (weather, general visibility) dynamically changes according to biofeedback results


Software development outsourcing: bio feedback games

Picture 5 of 9. Biofeedback game. Game environment (weather, general visibility) dynamically changes according to biofeedback results


Software development outsourcing: bio feedback games

Picture 6 of 9. Biofeedback game. Game environment dynamically changes according to biofeedback data. The purpose is to learn to control emotions even under stress


Software development outsourcing: bio feedback games

Picture 7 of 9. Biofeedback game. Game environment dynamically changes according to biofeedback data. The purpose is to learn to control emotions even under stress


Software development outsourcing: bio feedback environment

Picture 8 of 9. Biofeedback-enabled environment. Visuals change depending on bio feedback.


Software development outsourcing: bio feedback environment

Picture 9 of 9. Biofeedback-enabled environment. Visuals change depending on bio feedback.


Software development outsourcing: bio feedback project


Software development outsourcing: bio feedback project


Software development outsourcing: bio feedback project

Felenasoft Company outsourcing and outstaffing work samples

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Software development outsourcing: bio feedback project


Software development outsourcing: bio feedback project


VR-addon for the biofeedback project. Works with HTC Vive and Oculus Rift.

Software development outsourcing: bio feedback project, Oculus Rift supported

Advanced Media Player addon for the biofeedback project. Also works with online services like Youtube and Kindle Reader.
It plays media content in the built-in player with various biofeedback effects (imposing worsening effects when signs of stress are detected).

Software development outsourcing: bio feedback add-on


Software development outsourcing: bio feedback add-on


Software development outsourcing: bio feedback add-on


Biofeedback project for Android
Developed in Java and C++ with JNI and Unity 3D game engine (C#).
Several types of sensor devices are supported: devices supporting the standard Bluetooth Low Energy profile for heart rate monitors (Heart Rate Profile) like Polar as well as proprietary biofeedback devices.

Launcher is an application for launching both own and selected third-party applications installed on the system. It also runs a background service that tells the user that it is time to train.

Overlay is an application in the form of an overlay over all other applications that allows you to train while using any applications, such as browser, game, media player, etc.

Also available: Google Cardboard app for VR edition.

Software development outsourcing: Biofeedback project for Android


Software development outsourcing: Biofeedback project for Android


Software development outsourcing: Biofeedback project for Android

Felenasoft Company outsourcing and outstaffing work samples

Click here to view more screenshots of the project

Software development outsourcing: Biofeedback project for Android


Software development outsourcing: Biofeedback project for Android


Software development outsourcing: Biofeedback project for Android


Software development outsourcing: Biofeedback project for Android


Biofeedback project for iOS
The project is developed in C ++ and Swift, with usage of the Unity 3D game engine (C#).
Support for devices that support the standard Bluetooth Low Energy profile for heart rate monitors (Heart Rate Profile)- for example, Polar.

Software development outsourcing: porting the bio feedback project to iOS


Software development outsourcing: porting the bio feedback project to iOS


Software development outsourcing: porting the bio feedback project to iOS

Felenasoft Company outsourcing and outstaffing work samples

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Software development outsourcing: porting the bio feedback project to iOS


Software development outsourcing: porting the bio feedback project to iOS


Software development outsourcing: porting the bio feedback project to iOS


Software development outsourcing: porting the bio feedback project to iOS


3. X-ray Computed Tomography software – professional medical 3D/4D application for hospitals and clinics. It is used to generate a three-dimensional image of the inside of an object from a large series of two-dimensional X-ray images taken around a single axis of rotation.

Medicine project

Medicine project

Cloud-based system for radiologists that offers in-cloud storage and operation with unprecedented speed. Transfer of radiological images to and from Cloud, authorized sharing.
Full integration with a health institution infrastructure: reporting and patient management, billing, schedule book, office equipment, including video conferencing. Seamless work with equipment electronic health records and electronic medical records systems, tomography scanner, mammography scanner, ultrasound scanner, and other radiology scanners.
The systems takes the best of ActiveX, HTML5, java, c# technologies to bring the best performance.

Includes the following functions:
* Uploading of radiological images;
* Transfer images from Cloud to local PACS;
* Transfer images from local PACS to Cloud;
* Reading images and dictating the report;
* Authorized Sharing;
* Managing patient files.

Technologies used:
* Viewer based on ActiveX (for IE browser) and HTML5;
* Patented GPU-cloud technology;
* Web-cloud based on java servers.
* HL7

Software development outsourcing: Cloud-based system for radiologists


Software development outsourcing: Cloud-based system for radiologists


Software development outsourcing: Cloud-based system for radiologists



4. X-ray cargo scanning
The task of the created software is to process X-rays and processed data from the port scanner located at the docks of seaports or ground check points. The program allows you to create 3D-models of freight containers with their contents. Fast and safe detection of prohibited goods and automated pass of allowed cargo.

Software development outsourcing:  X-ray cargo scanning


Software development outsourcing: X-ray cargo scanning


Above you can see a 3D projection and cross sections. Red is supposedly substances that are similar in structure and density to drugs.
Work and scanning goes in real time, if there are new scans for the current machine, they are immediately updated on the screen. With each scan, the material and structure is more accurately determined. The process of researching one truck in the scanner takes about 10 minutes.

The 3D-model has a full-fledged functional at work – turns, shift, zoom, change in the density of the structure.


5. Price tag recognition
Our software development for the detection, reading and recognition of price tags of popular retail chains. A simple mechanism of work will allow you to successfully use the program from the first minutes of exploring it.


6. Face Recognition
Our software development. This is an AI-based module for detection of faces in camera’s view and recognition of them. Upload photos of employees to form a white list of company employees and unauthorized persons. Take the best of neural network technology with FelenaSoft’s Face Recognition module.


7. License plate recognition
Another intelligent module of our development for the recognition of license plates in the field of view of the camera. The system is able to recognize civilian license plates of Russia and Kazakhstan. The module allows you to solve many problems of registration, identification, prevention of unauthorized travel, ensuring the safety of vehicles in parking lots and control of traffic flows, both in the city and on the highway.


  • detects vehicles in the camera field of view, and recognizes their license plate;
  • stores license plate numbers into CSV format database;
  • classifies separate vehicle types;
  • allows adding of text comments to each identified car;
  • allows search for license plates in a structured database.

High recognition rate and stable operation of the module with different types of lighting, as well as various variations of the installation of cameras warrants you peace of mind.

FelenaSoft projects: automatic recognition of vehicle license plates


8. Professional video subtitles generating system.
Created for major television media and Hollywood blockbusters, this software development is a professional system for creating subtitles, like in movies. Works with all famous professional video editing software. A lot of effects, transitions for any occasion, support for live broadcasts and many other features. OpenGL, C ++, Qt, Ogre3D, DirectX, GPU rendering and much more are used.

Software development outsourcing:


Software development outsourcing:


Software development outsourcing:


9. Interactive web browser video player
The project is a browser-based video player with interactive videos. The viewer can control the character by clicking on the screen. The project also included the ability to upload their interactive videos and set actions on the admin page, so the project can be called autonomous, because the customer himself can create content and change videos. Cross-browser compatibility.

The software product has its own User Interface, recognizes the logical connections between the videos, it is possible to view and run from the most popular browsers without installing additional codecs and software (viewed in an Internet browser). The program recognizes videos specially prepared for it and coordinates their playback, allowing the user to independently determine the playback sequence within the allowed parameters.

The software development product is focused on commercial use.



10. KnownCalls – free Android app for blocking of calls and texts from unknown numbers
KnownCalls is the new absolutely free call blocker for Android that helps fight spam calls and messages while respecting your privacy. No Internet is required because the app doesn’t use any external databases or sources. No ads, no difficult setup, no fees. This app is for those who don’t answer calls from any unknown numbers and want stop getting them: people who want to be reached only by their acquaintances listed in their Phonebook, children, seniors, businessmen who have secretaries for contacts of new clients, etc.


11. Face ID + QR Code Recognition + Smart Card Reader

“Face ID” is an intellectual module in Xeoma, a VMS by FelenaSoft company, developed specially for a foreign university. This module compares a recognized face in the frame with a photograph from the user’s ID card, thus creating a two-factor authentication system. This capability is especially applicable to limited-access or restricted facilities like entrances at enterprises, universities, and other educational institutions, fitness centers, prisons, military units, banks, etc.

“Face ID” operates in conjunction with the “Smart Card Reader” or “QR Code Recognition” modules, which are capable of receiving data about the pass holder, including their photograph, which is then compared with the person’s face in the frame. Thanks to Xeoma’s flexible settings, the reactions to a successful person identification can be various: open/close a door/turnstile, receive an email/SMS/mobile or another type of notifications, start/stop archive recording, etc.

FaceID - custom development by FelenaSoft

More info – here

12. Object Recognition – Seabirds

“Seabird Recognition” is another custom AI feature developed by FelenaSoft company for fish farms and fishing vessels. The feature allows the “Object Recognition” module to detect birds in the frame and then decide if there are seabirds among them with the help of AI. Seabird detection triggers predefined reactions, typically aimed at timely deterring predatory seabirds to reduce profit losses. The module does not require specialized equipment and can work with widely available cameras, allowing for quick deployment with significant savings on equipment.

Since the module was implemented as a part of the flexible Xeoma VMS, which already has dozens of different reactions to choose from, “Seabird Recognition” can work in conjunction with specialized sound cannons, which only affect birds without harming humans or fish, as well as with sound alarms, and other types of reactions.


13. Speed Detector

“Speed Detector” custom module demonstrates FelenaSoft’s flexible approach to development: initially created to detect vehicle speed limit violation on roads and highways, the module can be used to detect movement speed of any types of objects. Its working principle – calculating the time an object passes the distance between several checkpoints – doesn’t require using neural network technologies, so the module was included to one of the basic Xeoma editions. Since specialized equipment for speed detection wasn’t required either, the customer made significant savings.

An alternative method of detecting vehicle speed violation was developed within the framework of the “Safe City” and “Safe Roads” projects. The module was created to work in conjunction with “ISKRA” hardware speedometer. This development demonstrates not only the ability of FelenaSoft company to implement various types of integrations with third-party devices, but the flexibility in offering the customer several solutions to the problem, each adapted to specific conditions.

Two ways of detecting speed by FelenaSoft

More info – here


14. Sports Tracking – Basketball

“Sports Tracking” is an intelligent module, an integral part of the Xeoma VMS, which allows the program to automatically locate a basketball within the camera’s field of view and rotate a PTZ camera to track it. Numerous optimizations enabled the module to avoid missing key events, for example by switching to tracking the largest group of players.

Support for tracking basketballs – a type of balls that wasn’t initially intended in this project – was customarily added upon request. As a result, the sports club that ordered this development managed to automate operator’s work — a position that was not originally included in their staff — and broadcast tournament matches directly to their YouTube channel. The module is based on artificial intelligence, which can be trained on other types of objects, such as different sports balls, pucks, etc.

Sports tracking in Xeoma

More info – here


15. Parking Spots

“Parking Spots” is another multifunctional custom development by FelenaSoft. The module is designed to check whether there is an object in a designated area within the camera’s field of view and thus inform the user about its status — whether the spot is empty or occupied. This development is primarily used for paid parking lots to check the availability of parking spaces. It can be used to create an automatic entrance car distribution system which can work in conjunction with parking ticketing solutions.

“Parking Spots” can be applied both in urban video surveillance systems to detect illegally parked cars, and in situations unrelated to vehicles. For instance, it can automatically monitor the occupancy of cinemas and theaters or track tools in auto repair shops, i.e. the module is appliable to any case where it’s important to distinguish the presence and absence of objects in certain places.

Parking spots in Xeoma

More info – here


16. Integration with Modbus Controllers (Smart Home, Road Traffic Lights)

The custom-developed module “Modbus Controllers” is designed to receive commands from third-party equipment — controllers operating under the Modbus protocol — to trigger the necessary reactions in our software for video surveillance and business — Xeoma VMS. This type of controllers is very popular and is often used in automation systems, smart homes, as well as various equipment such as traffic lights, etc. The flexibility of Xeoma made it possible to assign different reactions to different signals from Modbus controllers, which allowed to reach the aim of our client’s project – to recognize the vehicles’ license plates and automatically issue fines for running red traffic lights. The “Modbus Controllers” module helped to avoid critical problems typical of other methods of synchronizing with road traffic signal devices based on computer vision: color distortion in bright lighting, visibility deterioration during precipitation, and delays in receiving video signal.

Modbus controllers in Xeoma

More info – here


17. Bird Detector

Cost: $8000 Year: 2021

The “Bird Detector” module of Xeoma VMS was developed specially for an ornithology enthusiast, who’s aim was to detect birds in challenging conditions and track their flight trajectory. The module was designed for complex urban environment, where the monitored objects — birds — might be as far as 350 meters away. The existing solution at that time — object recognition combined with automatic object tracking using PTZ cameras — couldn’t bring the desired result. For this reason, we implemented numerous optimizations, taking into account the biological characteristics of birds and the data needed to predict their flight trajectory. We also decided to use the thermal imaging feature of thermal PTZ cameras (fixed thermal cameras are also supported) to track birds as smoothly as possible.

Bird Detector

More info – here


18. Detector of Construction Site Safety – Adaptation

Cost: $2000 Year: 2024

The majority of intelligent features developed during the work on FelenaSoft company’s proprietary project — Xeoma VMS for security and business — can be customized to match the client’s special needs and conditions. Adding new types of protective helmets to our previously released AI module – “Detector of Construction Site Safety” – is a great example of such customization. The accuracy of helmet detection was significantly increased, which enabled us to achieve maximum reliability in ensuring safety practices at the client’s construction site. We believe, our development saves worker’s lives!

Detector of Construction Site Safety

More info – here


19. 360° Surround View – Bird’s Eye View

Cost: $5400 Year: 2021

The custom “360° Surround view ” development was created for use on yachts and other watercraft to improve the convenience of viewing onboard cameras and ensure better mooring, detect people falling overboard, and provide awareness of the overall situation. The module merges images from four wide-angle cameras installed around any object to obtain a 360° panoramic view — the “bird’s eye view” effect. This development is one of the numerous integrations of functions into our video surveillance software requested by clients, serving as an excellent addition to the existing similar functionality for indoor use (support for fisheye cameras), which could not be effectively applied in conditions where a single camera didn’t not cover the entire object. A single glance at the final image allows you to assess the situation on all sides of the object — whether it’s a maritime vessel, warehouse, residence, government building, etc. A special type of licensing was implemented in this project for the client’s benefit, allowing the client to avoid overpaying.

Special attention was paid to convenience: the module suggests placing a photograph of the object in the center of the frame, which helps distinguish multiple 360° image sets from each other.

360° Surround View

More info – here


20. Smoke detector
This intelligent module allows you to detect the presence of smoke in the detection area. With automatic detection, you can always be sure that even if a fire starts, you will be instantly notified and can take measures to save lives.

Felenasoft Company outsourcing and outstaffing work samples


21. Software for IP microphones
A software and hardware complex with the manufacturer of IP microphones for high-quality acoustic control, seismic acoustic measurements and voice notification. These complex solutions are applicable at almost any sites.

Felenasoft Company outsourcing and outstaffing work samples


22. Vehicle GPS tracker
With this tracker program you will always know where the car, cargo or convoy is located. Spheres of application are various: from the road haulage to the visualization of the race participants passing. Available for Windows and smartphones.

Felenasoft Company outsourcing and outstaffing work samples


23. Recognition of abandoned/missing items
The software module analyzes the image from the camera for the presence of objects and can determine the disappearance of the object from the field of view or the appearance of a new one. For greater accuracy, there is a time counter, after which the item is considered missing or abandoned. Thus, the module is ideal for places of increased risk of terrorist attacks or incidents of theft (river, railway stations, stations, ports, airports, etc.), even with great traffic. Also used in retail to determine the interests of customers and in private security monitoring.

Felenasoft Company outsourcing and outstaffing work samples


Some more examples of customer-requested development in Xeoma Video Management Software:

Paid development in Xeoma“Restaurant clients counter” – $2560 – 2024
In course of this paid development project we created a new AI-powered module that can count people gathered at a table in a food establishment at any given time.

Example of a Paid Development in the Xeoma Video Surveillance Software “Freight unloading counter” – $1526 – 2023
A module was developed to count how many unloadings a truck has done per shift.

Paid development in XeomaReaction to QR-codes in “Move to PTZ preset” – $2500 – 2023
The existing Move to PTZ Preset module was enhanced with the ability to stop a PTZ guard tour when a special tag (QR code) is detected, and zoom in to the object with the tag.
More about the module

Example of a Paid Development in the Xeoma Video Surveillance Software“Vehicle speed detector” – $4260 – 2020
A module was developed to integrate Xeoma’s license plate recognition system with the “Iskra” speed measurement device.

Example of a Paid Development in the Xeoma Video Surveillance Software Support for tape storage – $2850 – 2019
As part of a client project, the “Preview and Archive” module was enhanced to support recording on tape storage systems and playback of such recordings within Xeoma.
More about the module

Example of a Paid Development in the Xeoma Video Surveillance Software Tagging and search in the “HTTP marking” module – $2150 – 2016
The “HTTP Marking” module was customized for a client’s project (recording speeches). Enhancements included tagging speakers, marking the start and end of speeches, and enabling search functionality based on these tags.
More about the module


24. Pre-installed video surveillance app in a NAS box
Based on Android, a multi-component storage device for storing data and accessing it from anywhere, the NAS of one very popular brand is also a multimedia function center and – thanks to Xeoma – video surveillance. The main stumbling block for Android-based devices is the limited amount of RAM. For this project, the Xeoma video surveillance program has been modified to fit the strict limits of resource consumption. Also, it is easy to start and connect without a password and without an IP address (token-authorization).


25. WebCam Looker – video surveillance software with motion detector, powerful and flexible. More than 20 versions released and 2 years of development. This is our own software development project, an easy program for Windows, now discontinued and replaced with a more contemporary cross-platform Xeoma, but still selling around the world for those who don’t need extra functionality.

For complete product site and its review please click WebCam Looker home.

WebCam Looker - video surveillance software with motion detector

WebCam Looker sources settings dialog

WebCam Looker photo archive setup

Felenasoft Company outsourcing and outstaffing work samples

WebCam Looker web server screenshot

WebCam Looker main dialog view config

Felenasoft Company outsourcing and outstaffing work samples


26. RinkView – automatic system rotating the PTZ camera for tracking the puck in hockey matches and training.

Software development outsourcing: tracking the puck in hockey


Software development outsourcing: tracking the puck in hockey


Software development outsourcing: tracking the puck in hockey


27. MDS – patient administration and record keeping system. Allows you to keep a journal of patients in an electronic form.

Software development outsourcing: patient administration and record keeping system


Software development outsourcing: patient administration and record keeping system


Software development outsourcing: patient administration and record keeping system

Felenasoft Company outsourcing and outstaffing work samples

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Software development outsourcing: patient administration and record keeping system


28. IP7 – emergency two-way audio connection to the police.

Felenasoft Company outsourcing and outstaffing work samples

29. Aircraft 3D demo – a windowless application with 3D-model of Airplane, so it looks like the airplane is flying above existing windows on desktop.

To download and test as an application click here (135KB).

Controlling: for rotating use mouse click&move on the airplane. To exit: press Alt F4.

Custom 3D engine with windowless airplane model

30. Automotive GPS-based data acquisition software for racing, tuning, visualization purposes (Smartphones and Windows).

Automotive GPS-based data acquisition software for racing, tuning, visualization purposes.

31. Custom VLC-based video player with fixes of original bugs, video streaming of MPEG, AVI with seeking via Internet and many other features.
Version for Windows.

Custom video player for Windows.

32. Custom VLC-based video player with fixes of original bugs, video streaming of MPEG, AVI with seeking via Internet and many other features.

Version for Mac OS.

Custom video player for Mac OS.

A few samples (from about 150) of 3D effects and transitions developed for video editors (Edius, Pinnacle Studio, Avid Liquid, Ulead Video Studio, Ulead Media Studio Pro, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere).

(note: if you see no animation, please enable images and animation at your browser):

3D animated effect: Bouncing Cubes
3D animated effect: Bouncing Cubes
3D animated effect: Bouncing Cubes
3D animated effect: Bouncing Cubes

Some simpler executable applications to download and try:

3D landscape demo (372KB)

33. Vista style ActiveX toolbar fragment (with art work):

Vista style ActiveX toolbar fragment.

34. Triangle Solver program allows to calculate all triangle elements by at least three knows.
Supports oblique and right triangle types. Made for the professor of US University.

Triangle Solver.

35. Newspaper advertisements automation system. This software is used to add/update/prolong/etc advertisements
into database, flexibly classify rubrics and their attributes, store ads into them for different newspapers simultaneously, prepare for publishing at newspapers, etc.

Newspaper advertisements automation system.

36. Java Blog database – Powerful Java driven template-based XML-engine with web and real-time skype interface
and import/export to pop3/smtp email, XML, RSS, Skype; multi-attachments from email, flexible sorting and hiding of visual data, a few types of presentation, etc.

Java Blog database.

37. Adware remover searches and removes adware programs from computer.

Adware remover.

38. Site Tracker saves and automatically repeats complicated logins and navigations on web sites. It is used for comparing web site changes or selected parts of the page over the time, even after login, with cookies, embedded tags, etc.
Site Tracker.

39. Ringtones project is the package of 10 free utilities helping people to prepare and upload ringtones and wallpapers, and send sms for cellphones on PC. These programs give a personality to your mobile phone.

Ringtones project. Ringtone Editor Demo
Ringtones project. SMS Sender Demo
Ringtones project. Midi Editor Demo
Ringtones project. Ringtones Convertor Demo
Ringtones project. CD Ripper Demo
Ringtones project. Ringtone Mixer Demo
Ringtones project.
Ringtones project.
Ringtones project. Voice Recorder Demo
Ringtones project. Wallpaper Editor Demo

40. Crazy Paint is a funny and easy to use 2D image editor for iPhone with the wide range of features.

Crazy Paint. Project for iPhone.

Other projects:

  • 7Zip supporting utility,
  • IE&firefox tab control/BHO,
  • emag project (Flash and PHP),
  • WebCam capturing with PiP,
  • Skinned video player,
  • Custom filter video player,
  • Mobile 3D game project,
  • Barricade firewall driver,
  • TickerToolbar,
  • Youtube Uploader.

This is just a few of our software development projects. If you have a project in mind, please step forward and let us estimate it for you.