Xeoma Video surveillance: Is lean production real in the mining industry?

Artificial intelligence will transform the mining industry
What do we imagine when we hear the word “industry”?
Difficult, long, sometimes dangerous process that requires incredible effort as well as concentration from workers.
If the production does not comply with the safety standards of employees, if they perform their duties carelessly, slowing down processes, such production cannot be called lean.
But what is lean production?
The mining industry can get such status if it avoids:
In the world of modern technology, this is possible thanks to the combination of CCTV and Artificial Intelligence.
The mining industry implies such costs as:
Which can be minimized by automatic turning off the lights in rooms where no movement is detected. Xeoma’s motion detector will help you cope with this task.
Does the mill work too fast or too slow, not having enough time to process the raw materials efficiently? Artificial Intelligence of the Object Detector module, trained to detect the needed size of raw materials, will automatically set the grinding power before melting.
Video surveillance in production also optimizes the time spent by employees at the entrance: a camera with a built-in Face ID feature, will check passes faster, while maintaining recognition accuracy.
Employee’s safety is also an important part of lean production.
Xeoma can recognize cases when an employee does not wear a protective facial mask, automatically sending notifications. Xeoma will also detect cases when an employee fainted, automatically notifying the responsible personnel about the incident. With video surveillance system you can monitor and hence optimize employees’ speed of operation.
During the operation of the conveyor, someone did not follow the safety precautions or put equipment and materials on the belt? Did the employee continue working without noticing that half of the teeth on the bucket were out of order? AI-based video surveillance will help prevent such situations by detecting foreign objects on the tape or a person approaching it. Integration of Xeoma with external devices will help turn off equipment in emergency situations to prevent irreversible consequences.
Xeoma is not just video surveillance.
It is a set of modules and features designed to simplify processes of any kind using Artificial intelligence.
Xeoma already has such modules as:
If you wish to try out Xeoma functionality in your industry, let us know and we will help you implement your project.
As you can see, the mining industry has chances to become lean production, if not being afraid of using new technologies.
The program is being developed day by day, more often helping many businesses to optimize the process, save the budget, and keep employees safe. If you have any ideas on how else we can develop your company using artificial intelligence, or develop a new feature, we will be happy to cooperate with you.
September, 07 2020
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Video surveillance system in a coal mine
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