Special offer for Xeoma partners: free licenses for a case study
Make a video report about Xeoma and get Xeoma licenses as a gift

You can help Xeoma develop even faster by sharing your experience with other users! Take part in our new special offer and help us create a video case study on how you use Xeoma and about the role of Xeoma in your facility.
In return, we will also help you cover the needs in your video surveillance system: tell us what bonus would you like to get for such a video report? Renewal licenses, Upgrade to Pro, or perhaps any Additional module?
Here are some tips on the contents:
* Shoot a general view of your object from the outside, as well as from the inside
* Make an Interview with an authorized personnel of your company and tell viewers about your company, what you do, and why you chose Xeoma.
* Answer questions like:
– What functions does Xeoma help you perform in your security system?
– How does Xeoma help automate production processes?
– How is it useful in your conditions?
– How does it facilitate the task of monitoring and searching in the archive for recordings by the needed event?
We have no requirements for the video quality: it is not necessary that the video is shot and edited by a professional videographer. You can shoot a video on your phone and edit it in popular applications, including mobile ones, and send us even a simple HD or raw video.
If you are not sure about the content of your video or need our help – don’t hesitate to contact us – we’ll give a piece of advice on any questions that you may have.
Factories: Xeoma helps control production process and monitor employees’ safety
Construction site: Xeoma controls compliance with construction site safety regulations
Airports: Xeoma is good for detection of abandoned objects, high body temperature, motion in forbidden areas
Malls and stores: show us how Xeoma ensures customers’ safety, prevents shoplifting and cash registers fraud
Banks and offices: Xeoma helps control employee’s work, improve customer service, count queues, trigger alarms
Integrators: if you install Xeoma on your clients’ objects, you can also leverage this offer
Contact us in advance and specify what kind of reward you would like to receive for this video report. Once the video report is ready, write to us, send us your video and get your reward.
*If you participate in this promotion, you allow us to use your video on our website and in the Xeoma group.
Read also:
Special offer: Write about Xeoma on your blog
Special offer: Write a unique article for us
Create a review video and get Xeoma license in reward