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Use Xeoma free version for a small video surveillance system

Why can I trust Xeoma?

As you might have already found out in Xeoma’s User Manual, the video surveillance program can work in either of 6 editions: free of charge Free or Trial editions, or one of the commercial editions – Xeoma Starter, Xeoma Lite, Xeoma Standard or Xeoma Pro.

By default, when you first run Xeoma, it launches in the Trial edition that lets you test 99% of all features in Xeoma. It is one of free of charge editions but it is not designed for perpetual use, only for short-term getting to know Xeoma and trying out its features. See limitations of the Trial edition

Luckily, Xeoma video surveillance software also provides another free of charge edition that is called exactly that: the Free edition. Unlike the Trial version, the Free version of Xeoma can be used perpetually, without an expiry date, without any payments required. You can switch to the Free edition through Xeoma’s Main menu – Registration – Switch edition – Switch to the Free edition (or, in earlier versions, through Main menu – Registration – Switch to the Free edition).

The Free edition lets you view unlimited number of video sources (cameras) in real-time. The number of cameras is really unlimited: it can be dozens, hundreds or even thousands of cameras – IP, USB, analog, embedded, wired or wireless, with or wihout sound – connected for live view. However, there are some conditions and limitations in the Free version which are listed below.

Conditions and limitations of Xeoma’s Free edition:

Not all Xeoma’s modules are available in the Free edition: you can choose from 20 available modules to build chains with. See list of modules available in the Free edition in this table

In each chain of modules, you can use up to 3 modules from those available, including just 1 video source module per chain.

You can have recordings from up to 4 cameras saved to disk that can be later played back through the embedded player – max 4 ‘Preview and Archive’ modules can be used in the Free edition.
Maximum storage time of camera recordings made with the ‘Preview and Archive’ modules is 5 days, i.e. you can view entries from the latest 5 days. Here, either counting by calendar days or by actual content is avalable, depending on the settings of the ‘Preview and Archive’ modules in your Free edition. After the maximum storage time has run out, older records will be removed, and new ones can be saved in their place. Loop recording will be engaged automatically.

Tip: another module for recording – ‘Save to File’ – can be used with an unlimited number of cameras.

Similar limitation of number of modules also applies to the ‘Sending Email’ module: max 4 ‘Sending Email’ modules are available in the Free edition so up to 4 cameras can send email notifications.

Xeoma in the Free edition can be configured from the same computer it is working on. Remote access is not available in the Free edition so you cannot connect to it from another device – mobile or desktop – even in the same network. The only exception is connection through Repeater which works anyway. The Free edition doesn’t work on shell-less systems (OS that have no graphical interface): you’d need to connect with a remote client to configure Xeoma which is prohibited in the Free version. There are no access rights profiles either.

All Xeoma windows in the Free edition will have a small watermark in the bottom right corner. There will be an unremovable inscription ‘Please activate’ in the program title and camera names. It can be only removed by switching to another edition – Trial or any of commercial editions.

Available modules in Xeoma Free edition:

Devices Filters Destinations
Universal Camera Motion Detector Preview
Microphone Scheduler Preview and Archive
Screen Capture Marking Save to File
File Reading Day Detector Email Sending
Another Xeoma Image Rotate Web Server
FTP Receiver Image Resize Sound Alarm on server
Pop-up Window (in Client)
HTTP Upload to other Xeoma

Available in Free edition:
* 20 modules, including motion detection, screen capture, microphone, and more.
* view of an unlimited number of cameras,
* 23 interface languages,
* work with any types of cameras,
* automated search for cameras in the home network,
* work on any supported OS,
* work on virtual machines and in Docker,
* work without the Internet,
* installation to autostart,
* automatic search and addition of cameras, including in bulk,
* load optimization: support for dual streaming,
* load optimization: decoding settings,
* archive recording for max. 4 cameras,
* search for records by date in the built-in calendar,
* removal of a segment of records,
* export of a segment of records,
* correction of fisheye cameras image in recordings,
* time synchronization via ONVIF,
* window settings (interface scaling, font size, full screen mode),
* removal of cameras, including in bulk,
* possibility to execute commands through Xeoma,
* free updates to any new versions of Xeoma,
* device list,
* remote access with the paid Repeater service.

Unavailable in Free edition:
* all other modules not listed in the table,
* PTZ control of PTZ cameras,
* digital zoom,
* search through archival records by an area, people/faces, license plates, etc.
* remote access – both within the home network and from outside,
* operator access rights profiles,
* work on no-GUI systems,
* eMap interactive maps of the site,
* Additional modules and the ability to purchase them,
* ability to connect from a client without a password,
* making backups of settings from the interface (export or import),
* camera grids/layouts,
* event logs,
* quick screenshot button,
* ability to choose the time zone (the system time zone is used automatically),
* heat map,
* possibility to remove Xeoma watermark,
* possibility to remove the “Please activate.” inscription.

Noteworthy limitations:

  • Maximum modules per chain: 3;
  • Maximum video sources per chain: 1;
  • Maximum ‘Preview and Archive’ modules per server: 4;
  • Maximum ‘Sending Emial’ modules per server: 4;
  • Cannot add Additional modules;
  • Cannot be combined with any other editions of Xeoma.


Watch this video to learn more about the Free edition

If you are thinking about organizing your own surveillance system, you probably have a lot of questions. Fortunately, we are always happy to answer them and help you!

Q: “How can I organize video surveillance? It’s really free or I will have to pay after installation?”

For example you have a camera (even a simple web camera for Skype), you connect it to your PC or laptop and download Xeoma from our official site. Xeoma will automatically find your cameras. Now, you are ready to work! You can configure settings if you wish. The program will help you during every step. Place your cameras so as to detect the needed events.

Xeoma can be used in a free mode, where unlimited number of cameras is available for preview, and record for up to 4 cameras. You don’t have to pay. If you want to have recordings from more than 4 cameras, you will need Xeoma commercial licenses. Comparison of free and paid versions – here.

Q: “Do I need only cameras and cables? Who can configure the cameras technically?”

The concept of surveillance as a complex system which requires special education and installers, has gone. Download and run video surveillance program Xeoma on your PC or laptop. Connect the cameras to this computer (for more details about the cameras – here). Locate the cameras. The program will “find” the camera and add it to the window with the optimal default settings. As you can see, it does not require sophisticated and expensive installation. It can be handled even high school students.

Q: “Is there anything free nowadays? What is the interest?”

For us, it is beneficial to help you. We do this to raise awareness about our product. In addition, your recommendations and good reviews is our best advertisement!

Q: “Installers recommend buy dvr for $200 and 3 cameras. Why is your proposal better?”

If you already have a computer you can use it and it will be cheaper than DVR for $200. The DVR picture quality is much worse and the software capabilities are bad because it is Chinese-made.

Q: “Do you have a special offer? What is a free work period? Wouldn’t it be a paid service a year later?”

Xeoma in the Free mode is free, works on a permanent basis, without any time limit. Even if some needed function “suddenly” will be paid in a few years, you shouldn’t update to this new version and can continue to use the current one, which suits you. But usually software updates add new features.

Q: “Do I need cameras with a long cord, if I don’t want to perform installation?”

Yes, you can buy a camera with a long cord / extension cord. I you use USB cameras (webcam), we don’t recommend to put the camera more than 3 meters away from the computer. At large distances please use the so-called IP (network) cameras – their installation is really quite simple. Here is a quite extensive material about cameras, their advantages and disadvantages and the creation of video surveillance.

Q: “we have a very big territory and we couldn’t do it. If you need to mount the camera, probably, is it necessary to pull the cable to the computer???”

For short distances (up to 3 meters), you can use simple webcams. If the distance is longer, you will need to use an IP camera, they are quite cheap (about $20 or less): wireless or wired (in the latter case it is necessary to pull the wires to the router).

Q: “Are there viruses in your program?”

No! Each version is carefully checked with the antivirus program. Download Xeoma on any computer where you have antivirus program and check it. You can also check Xeoma via online Antiviruses, for example, service virustotal. You can also visit the site of the largest online store AllSoft, which provides only proven reliable software without viruses. Our program is a leader in the video surveillance software according to the AllSoft.

Q: “I need such a program. And I would have downloaded it, but …. we don’t know anything about your firm. We will download the program which is “supposedly free,” and then will receive a bill. Internet fraud is everywhere nowadays. “

Our company has been on the market for 12 years. For many years, we are working with partners such as PayPal and Allsoft, who trust only reliable companies. In today’s world reputation is very important, and we care about ours.

As for the hidden fees, the program Xeoma has several modes: free mode with unlimited number of cameras is free of charge; advanced (number of cameras, depending on the license + enhanced) – requires a paid license. To use the paid version, you need to buy a license, otherwise he would not even turn on. So the scheme with “secret” bills is not applicable here.

All information you can find on our website: www.xeoma.com

Q: “Thank you, we have a lot of available video cameras, but even the police can’t find people who have committed crimes. What’s the point ???? “

You probably have used so-called video recorders with the included analog cameras. Unfortunately, due to the low cost of the equipment,the quality it provides is poor, especially in the dark or at a long distance. Sometimes installers have positioned the camera incorrectly. The result is a fuzzy image, which can’t be used by the police.

Long range face recognition requires more expensive IP cameras – 3 megapixel (worth $100 and above), possibly with a bigger zoom, they should be placed as close as possible to the place where people are, so that they appear close to the camera. Xeoma also works with inexpensive Web cameras, which you use to communicate via Skype – they are more suitable for short distances, for example, to monitor the teachers room. The quality will be sufficient to resolve internal conflicts.

Q: “All cameras should be displayed on a single computer or on different ones?”

You can use Xeoma in free mode on several computers, not necessarily on one, your records will be saved on different computers in that case.

On each computer you can use unlimited umber of cameras for viewing, and record for up to 4 cameras.

Q: “We need only a few cams, and then can we add more?”

Yes, you are absolutely right! In free mode, you can use unlimited number of cameras for view, and record from up to 4 cameras. You can use archiving for 2 cameras and then add 2 more Preview and Archive modules for other cameras. If you need to expand the system further, you can buy licenses.

25 December 2015
Updated: July 8, 2024

See also:
Xeoma Video Surveillance System: Introduction video
Let’s get it started, or how to use Xeoma
Frequently Asked Questions about Xeoma software