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Hospital security: patient monitoring system

Hospital security: patient monitoring system

Let’s face it: people fear what they don’t know. It’s only human. Having a member of your family sick is hard, but it’s harder to entrust the weakened to the people you don’t know. Isn’t it hard sitting around, having to wait and wondering if you can do anything to help. Well, you can. Patient monitoring system, created in a matter of minutes, is the cost-effective method you’re looking for.

Usually, as little as a camera is all that is needed to start. This can be a hidden camera or a camera mounted to the wall or even simply placed on the table. Proper positioning of the camera must correspond with the purpose you need this piece of hospital security in place for. The feed from the camera can be sent straight to your phone, but for enhanced performance and smart monitoring you could use special software.

Statistics show that over 68% facilities have minor to medium serious non-compliance with state regulations. Is it reason enough for such drastic measures as creating your own patient monitoring system?

First of all, video surveillance as part of hospital security is not a drastic measure anymore. More and more facilities and institutions resort to video surveillance, also for non-crime-related purposes. Its convenience makes it a very useful tool for personnel management, evaluation of customer experience and even researches. So don’t worry about being the pioneer of patient monitoring in hospitals. Thousands of worried parents, children and grandchildren have already installed cameras in rooms of high-risk patients requiring 24/7 observation (seniors at risk of falling or patients on suicide watch).

Secondly, going to the extremes is not a good idea either. Nothing replaces simple human interaction with the nurses and doctors. Remember that using technology is not about catching someone red-handed – it’s about making sure everything is OK. This little piece of mind can be a great relief in already difficult times.

Xeoma’s AI-based “Slip and Fall detector” will become an indispensable helper in monitoring patients in hospitals: many patients are not allowed to get out of bed after a serious surgery or for other medical reasons due to the weakened body and the raised chances of fainting and falling. If an incident occurs, the Slip and Fall Detector will immediately notify the nurse or other responsible personnel, which will help to provide the patient with the necessary assistance and thus minimize the consequences of the incident.

You’ve read all those terrifying stories and seen all those movies about what may be going on when you’re not watching. Even worse things, they say, happen when patients just can’t tell you. Is this one of those cases? When it’s about a person you love, better not leave it to chance, huh?

Watch video about Slip and Fall Detector


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13 July 2015

Read also:
Video surveillance at the assisted living home
Typical Xeoma application: Hospital security with Xeoma
Xeoma in medicine and patient care
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