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Xeoma video surveillance software OEM/ODM, customization and rebranding

This is a unique special offer for installers and resellers!

Do you want the program that your clients are using to display information about you as well as become a unique version?

Xeoma OEM/ODM, customization, and rebranding is easy with our free of charge utility. With the help of this utility, it’s possible to change the logo, name of the program, modules’ icons, program’s design (color scheme, font type). Change Xeoma to your taste!

Use the rebranding utility to:

  1. Change the logo and name of the program, add the splash screen with your brand;
  2. Alter the program’s design (color scheme, fonts, text size, general scaling, etc.);
  3. Change the URLs, archive work, activation, connection;
  4. Add/delete features, interface elements and modules.

It’s in your power to make the program great and extra comfortable for your users!

In result, you will have an absolutely NEW program with the name of your company, address, business & support hours, and the link to your website.


Seize this opportunity for this totally free OEM/ODM, customization, and rebranding of Xeoma! Thanks to customization, Xeoma will not just be a program that is tailored for your customers’ needs but also reminds them about your company!

A mini guide on how to use the free rebranding utility:

  1. Download the utility;
  2. Download the version of Xeoma that matches your OS. Place this version in the subfolder with the same system name in the “distrib” folder;
  3. Edit all the parameters you need in the “oem_info” and “skin” files. Save your changes;
  4. Add your Xeoma’s new icon to the “icon” folder;
  5. Launch the “customize.bat” file.

All done!

Having troubles trying to make it work? Check out our new step-by-step guide on using the free OEM/ODM, customization and rebranding utility.

Download the utility: Download

This is a Windows rebranding file that will let you customize Xeoma for Windows, Linux, Android and Mac OSs. You are free to use any or all of the options. For iOS you can use our already customized version with generic name.

Video instruction can be checked here.

Also, please feel free to use customization of web interface in Xeoma (“Web Server” module).


For those who don’t have the time to do the customization themselves, or need more from customization, we offer our VIP customization services.