Email notifications not working
Q: The alarm module and window notification module work when motion is detected, however email notification does not really work. During one trial period the emails were received however most of the time it does not work. The test for email works as I receive the email and I have tried with two email addresses that I have. I am wondering if it is a setting that is not correct in the email module or if it is the email module that is not working.
A: Some things to look after when you’re facing Email issues:
1) The Email module is properly connected after the needed filter modules (e.g. Motion Detector). You mentioned that Sound Alarm does trigger at the same time when email is not coming but what we try to establish is if Sound Alarm is connected to the same filter module.
Please note that the Sending Email module that is connected after the Problems Detector module is only supposed to work with the system health issues. If you want it to send notifications upon triggering events from other filter modules (like Motion Detector), please use another, separate Email Sending module. Learn more about how chains in Xeoma work
2) The filter modules in workflow that are connected before Email are really triggered at the moment. You mentioned that Sound Alarm does trigger at the same time when email is not coming but what we try to establish is if Sound Alarm is connected to the same filter module.
3) Email settings: please see that Email Sending module settings are not restricting it too much. For example, the Time between messages (aka sending interval) setting can be troublesome: this decides how often Xeoma can send you messages. If set to, say, 1 minute, you cannot get messages if the timer is not yet reached even if there is an event.
4) GMAIL and other public domain addresses might have issues with automated sending (this might not be your case, if you are using your own domain name). For Gmail please see here
5) In case you use pics or videos attachments with your own domain email address, please check if your mail server settings allow for such message size.
Valid as of January 25, 2023; updated May 17, 2023