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Mikrotik Users Meeting 2016


On September, 30 – October, 1 MUM took place in Vega Hotel, Moscow. It is an annual event, uniting network engineers, camera manufacturers, Internet providers and security installers. Traveling from country to country, from city to city, it strives to bring them information on the new technologies, to help them in their work, while also giving them an excellent opportunity to share their findings with each other.

RadioLink is one of those manufacturers who attend MUM regularly. This time they brought Xeoma with them to demonstrate their cutting-edge cameras in action. Their stand was visited by a great number of people looking for simple yet functional solutions. RadioLink’s NVR in combination with Xeoma provided just that: an excellent quality of footage with simple interface and a multitude of tools to adjust it to the user’s liking.

The conference was a huge success, it covered all the hot topics: Policy Routing, Tuning Multiple Routers, Wireless Bridges, etc.

13 October 2016

Read also:
How to choose cameras
Our clients and partners
Dual Streaming: What Should I Know?