Xeoma modules’ macros
A macro is a symbolic name that is replaced by information received from Xeoma modules.
Let’s have a look at the macros that are used in different Xeoma’s modules:
Email Sending
%TEXT% – macro to receive a recognized text from the modules “Text recognition”, “QR Code Recognition”, “Smart Card Reader”
%OBJECT% – this macro allows receiving information about the object that was detected by the “Object recognizer” module
%GENDER% – this macro allows receiving info about gender from “Gender recognition” module
%NUMBER% – macro to receive license plate’s number in plain text from “ANPR” module, e.g. A110PB77 etc.
%FACECOUNT% – it shows the number of faces from “Face recognition” module in the email
%NAMES% – macro to receive names from “Face recognition” module
%TIME% – a detection time
%AREA% – status of parking spaces from “Parking Spots” module
%REPORT% – macro to receive information on the problem’s type from “Problems detector”
%STATUS% – trigger type (the movement was detected, problem or its solution was found)
%EMOTIONS% – date and time of detection, dominant emotion’s name and percentage (if multiple faces are detected at the same time information on all of them will be separated by commas)
Application runner
%JPEG% – sending the full path to the JPEG image to the program (if ‘Test’ button is used – this will be the default 100×100 picture)
%BMP% – sending the full path to the BMP image to the program (if ‘Test’ button is used – this will be the default 100×100 picture)
%FACECOUNT% – shows the number of faces from “Face recognition” module
%NAMES% – macro to receive names from “Face recognition” module
%FACEID% – the time of a face detection + name + percentage of resemblance
%TEXT% – macro to receive the text from the modules “Text Recognition”, “QR Code Recognition”, “Smart Card Reader”
%EYEANGLE% – pupils’ direction from the module “Eye Tracking”
%EMOTIONS% – date and time of detection, dominant emotion’s name and percentage (if multiple faces are detected at the same time information on all of them will be separated by commas)
HTTP request sender
%FACECOUNT% – shows the number of faces from “Face recognition” module
%CROWD% – shows the number of people from “Crowd detector” module
%NAME% – macro to receive names from “Face recognition” module
%TEXT% – macro to receive the text from the modules “Text recognition”, “QR Code Recognition”, “Smart Card Reader”
%REPORT% – macro to receive information on the problem’s type from “Problems detector”
%EYEANGLE% – pupils’ direction from the module “Eye Tracking”
%AREASTATUS% – status of parking spaces from “Parking Spots” module
%STATUS% – macros to receive license plate’s number in plain text from “ANPR” module, e.g. A110PB77 etc.
%EMOTIONS% – date and time of detection, dominant emotion’s name and percentage (if multiple faces are detected at the same time information on all of them will be separated by commas)
Mobile notifications
%TIME% – a detection time
%PROBLEM% – macro to receive information on the problem’s type from “Problems detector”
Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR)
{NUMBER} -macro to receive license plate’s number in plain text from “ANPR” module, e.g. A110PB77 etc.
Universal camera and Preview and archive
%IP% – to show camera’s IP in its name
Save to File
%y% -year
%m% – month
%a% – weekday
%d% – day
%h% – create a new file every hour, next day it’ll be rerecorded (to split it by minutes too, add ‘i’)
%i%.avi – create a new file every minute, i.e. next hour files will be rerecorded
%s% – second
%n% – millisecond
%#1-1000% – range from 1 to 1000
%FREIGHT_VEHICLE% – this macro is used alongside the “Freight unloading counter” module on another camera. More
%SPEED% – speed from “Vehicle Speed Detector” module
%NUMBER% – macro to receive license plate’s number in plain text from “ANPR” module, e.g. A110PB77 etc.
%SVID% – violation ID within speeding detection (in combination with “Vehicle Speed Detector” and “ANPR” module) or detection of passage over the stop-line during the red signal (i.e., in combination with modules “ANPR”, “Cross line detector” and “Controllers “Modbus””)
%SVID_time% – time violation within speeding detection (in combination with “Vehicle Speed Detector” and “ANPR” module) or detection of passage over the stop-line during the red signal (i.e., in combination with modules “ANPR”, “Cross line detector” and “Controllers “Modbus””)
For example: “C:\Users\Public\Pictures\img_%y-m-d_h-i-s%.jpg.”
You can also add “/” to create folders – i.е. type %d/h/i%.avi, to create folders/files: 1/2/3.avi (today’s day/hour/minute). If you want to record jpeg pictures only you can specify the data %#1-1000%.jpg (where 1000 is the maximum file number, i.e. 1000 files will be rerecorded).
For example: “C:\MyDir\camera1_%y-m-d_h-i-s%_%n%_N%#1-10%.jpg” -> “C:\MyDir\camera1_2020-09-25_15-05-36_321_N01.jpg”
Face recognition + Telegram Bot Notifications
%PERSONS% macro for the Face recognition module will send all the information stored in the face database for the recognized person or a group of people to the telegram bot specified in the Telegram Bot Notifications module.
This macro only works for this combination of modules.
ANPR Sender to FTP
%y% – year
%m% – month
%d% – day
%h% – hour
%i% – minute
%s% – seconds
%n% – millisecond
%NUMBER% – macro to receive license plate’s number in plain text from “ANPR” module, e.g. A110PB77 etc.
%COUNTRY% – a country from “ANPR” module
%SVID% – violation ID within speeding detection (in combination with “Vehicle Speed Detector” and “ANPR” module) or detection of passage over the stop-line during the red signal (i.e., in combination with modules “ANPR”, “Cross line detector” and “Controllers “Modbus””)
%SVID_time% – time violation within speeding detection (in combination with “Vehicle Speed Detector” and “ANPR” module) or detection of passage over the stop-line during the red signal (i.e., in combination with modules “ANPR”, “Cross line detector” and “Controllers “Modbus””)
Safety Gear Detector
%HELMETCOLOR% – a macro to receive a color from the module “Safety Color Detector”.
%VOICE% – a text transcription of speech from the ‘Voice-to-Text’ module.
This way, with these macros it’ll be possible to dynamically send information to external systems thanks to Xeoma video surveillance and its modules.
If you have any questions on macros or their work, just contact us, we are always happy to help you!
4 March 2021, updated October 7, 2024
Read also:
License plate recognition:Speed limit violation
Control Xeoma using JSON: the whats and hows
WebRTC API: embedding camera feeds and recordings
The HTTP Request Sender module in Xeoma IP security cameras software