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Cloud video surveillance

Keep your recordings safe with Xeoma

Xeoma Cloud video surveillance with AI features and monthly subscription for IP cameras

Modern video surveillance tends to become Cloud-based increasingly. More people nowadays choose Cloud surveillance due to its reliability and safety. There’s no need to purchase additional equipment, you can simply have an IP camera and a phone, and you’re good to go. Let’s review all advantages of the Cloud video surveillance and address all questions about such systems.

What is Cloud Surveillance?

Xeoma Cloud video surveillance with AI features and monthly subscription for IP cameras Cloud video surveillance is a service that stores your cameras’ footage and shows their streams online from anywhere in the world without the necessity to purchase equipment such as servers. CCTV cameras live feed and archive can be viewed anytime you want from any location. Such configuration is really helpful in terms of monitoring your loved ones or your property from anywhere in the world. The archive recordings are stored safely on the remote “Cloud” servers. Usually, Cloud storage is associated with reducing surveillance cost because Cloud storage doesn’t require expensive server equipment and its maintenance.

Why is it better?

Xeoma Cloud video surveillance with AI features and monthly subscription for IP cameras Classic video surveillance is great, but it often lacks safety and security that the Cloud service can provide. Anyone can access and damage your physical server, and the reliability of your video surveillance can be affected by a power outage at any time. So such local video surveillance is vulnerable and requires constant supervision. In contrast, Cloud surveillance is independent and self-sufficient. Cloud serves are protected against power outage or physical violation by constant backup system. They are failure-safe and store your recordings without the risk of losing them.

Cloud video surveillance always comes in handy when there’s a necessity to take some legal actions and provide video proof, e.g. of a crime. As Cloud surveillance can not be vandalized like, for example, a physical server, you’ll always have video demonstration available. Also, local NVRs/DVRs can be damaged or stolen, producing the risk of losing important footage. Cloud surveillance is not limited in this case and stores your recordings securely. Cloud service makes it easier for the users to watch their cameras and archive from anywhere in the world, unlike centralized on-premise surveillance that is limited by the local network.

Is Cloud Surveillance safe to use with your cameras?

Xeoma Cloud video surveillance with AI features and monthly subscription for IP cameras Absolutely. The connection between your Xeoma Cloud account and your phone/tablet/PC is encrypted.

In order to use any Cloud-based solution, you need to stream the feed from your camera over the Internet. That concerns many people, because what goes to the Internet, stays there forever. But in case of Cloud surveillance, your data is fully protected, so the unauthorized persons couldn’t access it. Together with backup opportunity, your Cloud storage becomes the ultimate video surveillance goal, protecting your footage and allowing you to check your cameras’ live feed from anywhere in the world. Xeoma Cloud is equipped with a bunch of security protocols that ensure your privacy and safety of your footage.

About remote access

Xeoma Cloud video surveillance with AI features and monthly subscription for IP cameras One of the strongest points of Cloud surveillance is the opportunity to check your cameras and their recordings anytime and from anywhere. You can access your Cloud account remotely and take actions if you see something suspicious. Local video surveillance lacks such opportunity because it is limited to the on-site connection only. With that being said, Cloud video surveillance is not only reliable in terms of keeping your recordings safe, but also flexible and convenient to check your cameras and take necessary actions if you see, for example, criminal activity on your territory.

Cloud-based solutions such as Xeoma Cloud provide mobile applications that can be used to access your account from a smartphone or a tablet at any time of day. You can use both Wi-Fi and mobile network to access your Cloud account just in 1 click.

Is it scalable?

Xeoma Cloud video surveillance with AI features and monthly subscription for IP cameras 100% yes. Xeoma Cloud subscription is very flexible, so you can change or cancel it anytime. You can add more or less cameras to it, you can change the storage plan as well as you can connect additional modules including AI-based if needed upon request.

There’s no need to spend money on equipment or personnel to scale your video surveillance system, with Xeoma Cloud you can basically change your system in a few clicks. Cloud surveillance is a budget-friendly service with almost unlimited possibilities.

Which cameras can I connect to Cloud?

Xeoma Cloud video surveillance with AI features and monthly subscription for IP cameras Most of the time, people tend to use IP cameras for Cloud surveillance and CCTV projects in general. They are reliable and have a wide range of prices, providing a very budget-friendly price tag for a decent camera quality.

However, Xeoma Cloud supports various camera types including DVRs/NVRs and USB cameras. So you can choose any variant that you like.

Is it better than a NVR/DVR?

Xeoma Cloud video surveillance with AI features and monthly subscription for IP cameras Originally, DVRs were created to work with analogue cameras popular at that moment. Such video surveillance is considered old-fashioned and usually doesn’t provide good quality of recordings and camera online streaming. DVR (Digital Video Recorder) is a tool that converts analogue video into a digital format. NVR (Network Video Recorder) is considered as more up-to-date tool because it is designed to work with digital IP cameras. NVRs store recordings and stream directly from cameras through a network connection. Additionally, NVRs have higher resolution and more features available compared to their older DVR alternatives.

It is important to maintain a service of such recorders to ensure stable workflow of your video surveillance system. However, many DVRs/NVRs nowadays have limited capacity in terms of updating and keeping up with all modern technologies. Especially, older DVRs manufacturers that often stop releasing updates for the firmware of the recorder. So if you have multiple locations, it might be difficult and pricey to keep everything intact and maintain the service. In this case, Cloud surveillance is much easier to handle because there’s no need to worry about equipment since everything is stored on a virtual server. Cloud surveillance is not only easier to manage, it is also more profitable because you can always increase/decrease the number of cameras and control everything from your laptop/smartphone. If you already have particular cameras, you can also connect them to Xeoma Cloud, so there’s no need to purchase specific equipment.

Cloud surveillance for large companies

Xeoma Cloud video surveillance with AI features and monthly subscription for IP cameras

Large-scale surveillance requires stable workflow and uninterrupted operation. If we’re talking about a plant or a factory, it is crucial to have video proof of any accident that might happen. By means of Cloud surveillance, large corporations can quit stressing over equipment maintenance and potential failure. Cloud video surveillance will allow head managers and others in charge to check cameras and their recordings anytime from anywhere in the world, providing secure work environment and business growth due to AI features potential.

How to test?

Xeoma Cloud video surveillance with AI features and monthly subscription for IP cameras You can request free demo account to Xeoma Cloud here and test all features completely free of charge. Also, you can contact us anytime if you have questions, our tech support is free and ready to answer all your questions (no bots).

Xeoma Cloud video surveillance with AI features and monthly subscription for IP cameras
AI modules:
Add intellectual features to your Cloud
Xeoma Cloud video surveillance with AI features and monthly subscription for IP cameras
Affordable price:
Purchase budget-friendly monthly subscription
Xeoma Cloud video surveillance with AI features and monthly subscription for IP cameras
Easy configuration:
Connect your cameras and enjoy your Cloud surveillance
Xeoma Cloud video surveillance with AI features and monthly subscription for IP cameras
Intuitive interface:
Combine modules to create your perfect video surveillance system


Xeoma Cloud video surveillance with AI features and monthly subscription for IP cameras
Quick notifications:
Stay notified about important events to react in time
Xeoma Cloud video surveillance with AI features and monthly subscription for IP cameras
Remote access:
Connect to your Cloud from anywhere in the world
Xeoma Cloud video surveillance with AI features and monthly subscription for IP cameras
Archive safety:
Your recordings are safe and secure with Xeoma Cloud
Xeoma Cloud video surveillance with AI features and monthly subscription for IP cameras
Your connection is encrypted, and your Cloud account is fully protected

Xeoma Cloud video surveillance

Struggling to find the perfect Cloud storage for your video surveillance among all other options? Xeoma Cloud may be your savior. It offers budget-friendly service to store your recordings and stream your cameras online in your private Cloud account. There’s no need to purchase expensive equipment and maintain servers when there’s a ready-to-go Cloud storage available.

With Xeoma Cloud, you can be sure that your archive recordings are safe and sound, stored on a virtual server. Xeoma Cloud is suitable both for home usage and large enterprises with 1000+ cameras. With our Cloud surveillance, your CCTV system is secured. Contact us to get more information and free demo access!