Use Android receiver free of charge if you have license on the server
Q: If I got Lite and registered for 2 cameras on the pc which would run server and receiver all the time. Could I use pc server on the android receiver to display one of the cameras all the time with no other cost.
A: I think you meant to say “use pc server and the android receiver” in which case yes, Xeoma Lite does support remote connection (connection from any other device other than the device your Xeoma server is running on) but there are some things outside of Xeoma that can affect that. Here’s a great flowchart that can help you.
The important outside-of-Xeoma thing that matters is will that Android be in the same (“home”) network with the PC, or will it be somewhere else?
Connection from within the same local (or “home” network) is quite easy, described here
If you’re connecting with Xeoma Android app to your desktop Xeoma server and view one or two cameras, depending on what you need.
If, however, your Android will be in another network (which is most usually the case), then you’d need to have a ‘public’ IP address on your server or its substitutes. Some of such substitutes are paid (like our own Repeater service) but some of them are free of charge (for example, free DDNS services or VPN tunnels).
See more here and here.
Valid as of December, 5 2022