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I have Xeoma running for less than 7 days and the drive is already full. Did I do something wrong?

Q: I just changed computer with 64gb hard drive from windows to linux mint and installed 22.12.5 start version. I have it running for less than 7 days and the drive is full. Is there something I am doing wrong as I never had this problem with same computer running windows 10.

A: The volume that the recordings take depends on cameras’ specifications and whether there are some filtering modules in chains.
Maybe you accidentally added an embedded USB camera – it does take heaps of storage space since it store recordings in “heavy” MJPEG. See also: The difference between MJPEG and H264/H264+/H265/H265+, and how to use them in Xeoma

If that is not your case, you may want to check your Preview and Archive settings carefully, specifically HDD space always left free slider to tell Xeoma to leave some space free.

It also may be that you used to have a mounted space (for example, a network drive) that is no longer “seen” in the new system – such “unseen” space will not be available to Xeoma either.

If the problem persists after that – please check the Statistics section of the Preview and Archive settings and see if the data there correlates with the real numbers in the system.

We recommend carefully calculating the total size of all 3-day archives for this server’s cameras and comparing it against the disk’s total size minus the space set to always be left free in Xeoma.
The proper way to calculate this works like this:
1) open Universal Camera settings
2) take the bitrate indicated in Archive stream parameters – this is the amount of data being recorded per second in bits (e.g. 4 Mb/s = 4 000 000 bits per second)
3) calculate the size for 3 days of such recording: bitrate x 60 seconds x 60 minutes x 24 hours x 3 days (e.g. 4 Mb/s x 60 x 60 x 24 x 3 = 1 036 800 Mb, or in Megabytes 129 600 MB, almost 130 GB)
4) repeat steps 1-3 for all cameras

You will likely find that the allocated disk space is insufficient to hold many days’ recordings for all your cameras. After making the calculation simply adjust the HDD space always left free slider in any Preview and Archive module (it will automatically apply to all of them).

Tip: If you’re having an issue that your setting of changes involuntary, please consider updating your Xeoma to the latest version or downgrading to version 20.7.31. You can find old versions of Xeoma in the History of changes page

See also: Archives and recordings in Xeoma: troubleshooting and advice

Valid as of March 16, 2023