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Audio no longer works for installed Xeoma in Raspberry Pi

Q: Running 22.3.16 on a raspberry pi. Finally installed xeoma and audio no longer works.
The warning says “Please remove Xeoma from autostart or remove the module from the chain.”

A: Yes, as you can see in this page, when Xeoma is installed to auto boot, it runs under “root” which doesn’t have access to audio on the system level. This goes for all Linuxes, including RPi. The linked page has several suggestion on what to do.

One is to remove Xeoma from autostart. You can do that with
sudo path_to_xeoma.app -install -removeexe

How do I fix the sound so it works as well as it did before I installed it?

You can then launch Xeoma manually with
path_to_xeoma.app -core
(but make sure you are NOT “root” at the moment)

Valid as of February 28, 2023