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Description of built-in Web Server.
Built-in Web Server allows to:
- Remotely view (via Internet) in real-time images from any active sources;
- Publish images in Internet for public access from your computer via destination: «built-in Web Server»;
- Visit your own Web site or home page where you can publish images from any kind of sources.
For example, if your friend, living at another city, or country, has launched WebCam Looker with enabled built-in Web server, you can view (from home or from office) any his sources configured and any images he has published via Internet. Of course, your friend needs to give you his computer IP address, login and password for built-in Web server.
Another example: you are running Webcam Looker at your home with webcam device connected and built-in Web server enabled. From your office you can remotely view everything happening at your home in real-time.
Also you can launch a complete own Web site, or small home page with any number of dynamically updating images from any sources, turning your computer to a full functional web server. Images from sources can be published via Destination: built-in Web Server. All files you are placing under «htdocs» subdirectory of the program on disk will be immediately available via Internet. Thus, you can place there web pages with any information and links to Destination images.
Warning! For successful running the built-in Web server on your computer an external internet address is required and it must not be inside firewall. This external IP address is required to connect to your computer from Internet. If you plan to connect to your computer from local network, then you can use your internal IP address. (for example: , where - is your internal IP address and 81 - is port where Web server is running. See more details about port below).
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To enable built-in Web server, it is required to check a box «Enable Web server» inside Settings - Web-server and configure the following parameters:
«Port» Port number where Web server is running. The default port for Web servers is 80, but, if you have another Web server already running on your computer, then built-in Web server will find a first none-used port and will work on it. This real assigned port will be showed as «Assigned port» at the Web server dialog. This port is required to access the built-in Web server.
Advice: in case of doubt, another Web server is running, please enable built-in Web server and click Apply button. In 2-3 seconds an «Assigned port» value will show you a real port where built-in Web server is running.
«Login» is a login name to access to your sources.
«Password» is a password to access to your sources.
«HTML start page name» Page name which your can access to view your password protected sources in real-time. For example, is your page name is «sources», your IP is and port is 81, then URL address for access to your page will be: «». This address could be accessible via your favorite Web browser (like Internet Explorer).
Notice: if port is 80 (i.e. default Web servers port), then it is not necessary to provide 80 at URL, and your URL will look like: «» (please do not enter quotes in the internet browser).
«WML start page name» This parameter is same as for HTML above, but allows selecting a name of WML page, which could be accessed from mobile phone, smart phone and other mobile devices with WAP support (but not supporting HTML).
Advice: Under the page name entered you will see a complete URL to access to your page from Internet (via internet browser or WAP). You can copy this URL for later use.
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This service allow you to access built-in web server from any Internet place, even if your computer have no fixed external IP-address, but have dynamic external IP-address (such address appears every time you connect Internet via modem or DSL). Even if your computer haven't any external IP address, but have Internet assess via some gateway (like LAN proxy server), when you also can use this service (se below how to do it).
There are 2 methods to open dynamic IP-address registration setup dialog:
1) Settings / General / «Setup dynamic IP-address registration service» button or
2) Settings / Web server / «Dynamic IP-address registration service setup» button.
Press button «Register» for registration. After registration the fields «URL», «Login» and «Password» will automatically filled. Please, don't change them.
Attention: the registration can be successfully completed only if Internet is allowed.
Field «URL».
This field shows the URL for access to built-in web server , i.e. you can type this URL in address string of Internet browser on remote computer.
Remark: this URL is a built-in web server's address in Internet. So, if you want to publish your own site or home page - only add the path to index web page file to the end of this URL.
For example, if URL - «https://felenasoft.com/webcamuser/?bfxbxbx/», when your home page address will be like «https://felenasoft.com/webcamuser/?bfxbxbx/mydir/myhomepage.html».
Note: Your home page file (myhomepage.html) must be placed in built-in web server's directory «htdocs»: «C:\Program Files\Webcam Looker\htdocs\mydir\ ».
Fields «Login» and «Password».
These fields contain ID (identifier) and password for your account on the Webcam Looker's program server. Don't change them (except the case described below).
Advice: note the login and password. They will be usable in case of deleting Webcam Looker's settings file - to avoid second registration which will change your URL.
The second registration is unwanted when you publish your URL somewhere. If settings file was deleted - enter the saved previously login and password (the URL will change to oldest dynamically while login typing), and finally press «OK» button. Don't use «Register» button again if you want use old URL in future.
To disable this service turn off check box «Enable dynamic IP-address registration service».
In case of errors, please make sure you are connected to the Internet and have enabled Internet access to WebCam Looker at your firewall.
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Even if your computer have no external (fixed or dynamic) IP-address, but have Internet access by way of LAN server (gateway) or another gateway device (for example, multiport DSL modem), the successful dynamic IP-address registration service activity is also possible. The only condition is to setup Internet requests forwarding to your computer using specific port.
Attention: this forwarding port must be equal to port on which the Webcam Looker's built-in web server works.
How to setup forwarding on server with Windows XP see FAQ.
Remark: if you have no LAN server, but have the other gateway device (like DSL-modem etc.), when it can be setup (including forwarding settings) via web interface as a rule. For detailed forwarding setup instructions see device documentation or ask your system administrator for help.
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